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PC (Windows) Game: Republic: The Revolution


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Game Description:     Write a Review
 Power is everything in PC strategy simulation game Republic: The Revolution. Following the fall of the mighty Soviet Union, dozens of autonomous states have sprung up from the crumbling remnants. One small republic, Novistrana, has become a hive of brutality and corruption. A ruthless dictator, Vassily Karasov, rules the country with an iron fist and a control based on fear and oppression. With a personal vendetta against him and seeds of discontent spreading throughout the nation, now is the moment to seize power and liberate the masses. Time to start a revolution.

Starting with a single loyal supporter you must create a powerful nationwide faction strong enough to oust Karasov. Using a combination of influence, wealth and force you must attempt to gain the allegiance of prominent public figures including members of the secret police, councillors, celebrities, priests and criminals. Hundreds of diverse actions enable you to order and manipulate the masses--from rallies and riots to constructing crime syndicates, holding charity galas, organising secret police hits or broadcasting news propaganda.

Revolutionary AI techniques create living and breathing individual citizens to inhabit the cities of Novistrana. Each person will have detailed daily routines and their own set of beliefs and loyalties that govern their behaviour, producing consistent and realistic reactions to situations that arise in the game.

Game Features

• Persuade, hire and recruit all manner of specialist characters (from army generals to TV films stars to archbishops) to your cause.
• Rise to power through the use of politics, business, crime, religion or military force. Behave as ruthlessly or as compassionately as you want.
• Order and orchestrate thousands of exciting and diverse actions from vast rallies and riots, to rigging football matches, to secret police 'hits,' to broadcasting news propaganda.
• Players may follow five different strands of play, allowing them to play as politicians, businessmen, criminals, religious leaders or generals.
• Revolutionary AI techniques will allow living and breathing individual citizens to inhabit the towns and cities in Novistrana

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