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Jamaica Ad
Title: Starship Troopers | PC | Sony Playstation2 (PS2)


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Game Description:     Write a Review
Play as an Elite Marauder
Are you ready to join the 'Marauders' - the elite 'Special Forces' of the Mobile Infantry? Can you spearhead the assault against thousands of intelligent enemy bugs? Can you retake planet Hesperus, a Colonised Human mining planet, to save the federation, crush the bug threat and capture the Brain Bug?

Defend your compound against over 300 enemies coming at you simultaneously each with their own AI, using a variety specialist weapons, in these epic battles all made possible by the unique SWARM game engine. It's not been possible before now to put this number of enemies against you all at once.

Huge Cinematic Battles
"Bugs sir - millions of them!" "How many millions trooper?"
You'll be fighting against hundreds of enemies at once - just as in the movie you will have to overcome wave upon wave of bugs.

From start to finish it Game Features: a mix of huge real-time battles on an epic scale and solo 'infiltration' type missions.

There are varied Combat Environments - Indoor and outdoor levels, including the wide-open battlefields, a secret laboratory, claustrophobic bug nests, abandoned mines and lonely outposts.

Game Features:

• Jump into epic battles Game Features over 300 bugs on the screen at once, each with their own AI -- 19 different types of bugs to encounter
• Choose from 9 futuristic weapons, each with dual function attacks - From the standard-issue Morita rifle (as seen in the film) and shotgun to the plasma rifle and nuke launcher
• 12 single player levels with real-time battles and solo infiltration missions
• Varied combat environments - indoor and outdoor levels, including the wide-open battlefields, a secret laboratory, claustrophobic bug nests, abandoned mines and lonely outposts
• LAN and online modes, including death match and co-op missions


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