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Title: OPERATION FLASHPOINT ELITE | Microsoft Xbox 360


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Game Description:     Write a Review
Operation Flashpoint: Elite takes players into a deep, believable combat environment where they'll command troops across air, sea and land. Take control of a difficult military situation and avoid a crisis -- world peace depends on your decisions.

Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis is the ultimate realistic war experience where everything happens for real. Its conflict setting draws the player into the action so deeply because it is such a believable military environment. For the first time in such a game, the player controls and commands not just soldiers of all levels and squads but also land, sea and air vehicles--both military and civilian--from cars, to APCs, to tanks and even military helicopters.

It's a game of complete freedom with military crisis situations to handle on your own initiative. Once past the mission briefing stage, it's the player's decision how the overall mission or campaign is tackled. This variety also allows players to dip in and out of all kinds of action gameplay from commanding a squad, driving rumbling vehicles, and piloting a helicopter to being a sniper.

Again, incredible detail unfolds in each role: A NATO sniper makes use of the US-standard M21 sniper rifle with its correct optical markings. However, if they relieve an immobilised Soviet sniper of his rifle, they will be faced with Soviet-standard optical markings through the sights--and they do work differently.

Game Features:

• It's 1985 and Gorbachev has opened up Soviet Russia to the West. A number of his soldiers rebel against the new policies of glasnost and perestroika, seizing an island community. U.S. and Russian forces must work together to stop these hard-liners -- and you're leading the mission!
• Advanced squad-management system for issuing orders to different squad members
• Control cars, APCs, tanks and even military helicopters and use them strategically to meet your objectives
• Play through two progressive mission-based campaigns and two standalone single missions
• Incredibly realistic game world, with real-time lighting and weather changes and accurate star constellations for navigation


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