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Microsoft Xbox Tom Clancy\'s Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Cheats, Codes, Hints, Tips and Walkthroughs
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Microsoft Xbox Strategy Guides Canada:  Microsoft Xbox Tom Clancy\'s Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Official Games Strategy Guides Books
UK:           Microsoft Xbox Tom Clancy\'s Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Official Games Strategy Guides Books
USA:         Microsoft Xbox Tom Clancy\'s Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow Official Games Strategy Guides Books
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox) Alternate Routes FAQ  - written by VampireHorde
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox) Lethal Force FAQ - written by VampireHorde
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox) Data Stick/Flash Notes Guide - written by VampireHorde
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox) SWAT-Turn FAQ - written by VampireHorde
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow XBOX/PC to PS2/GC FAQ - written by VampireHorde
Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox) Weapons & Gadgets Guide - written by LiMpBiZkitFaN
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (Xbox) Stealth Guide - written by Alex van der Peet
USA>  Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow: Official Strategy Guide
Europe>  Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow: Official Strategy Guide
Canada>  Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow: Official Strategy Guide
USA>  Strategy Guide Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (PC, XBOX): Official
Europe>  Strategy Guide Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (PC, XBOX): Official
Canada>  Strategy Guide Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (PC, XBOX): Official

Note: This game is also known as: Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow

Infinite health:

On the paris,france level go down the sewage drain,and go into the thing with the red light, shoot the light out and go out and kill the man the press start and quit. start over and you should have it. p.s.i got an illegal copy of the nintendo revolution at game have one of those labtop mouse things for adual stick.'
Sent in by: pete

Capturing Suhadi Sadono - After killing off all of Sadono's guards, lure him into a dark corner then shoot him with a Ring Airfoil. Then, run up behind him and grab him. You can now force him to use the retinal scanner and complete the mission.

Defeating Norman Soth - After you have climbed up the elevator cables and have gotten on top of the other elevator, crawl through the hole in the wall. Norman Soth and two other mercenaries are on the top pathways. While in the hole, there will be one guard on the top path, slightly to the right. You should be able to shoot him in the head. Then, a timer will start and you will have one minute to kill Norman Soth and his other mercenary. When you shoot the first mercenary, drop out of the hole onto the first pathway. The second mercenary will go to exactly where the you shot the first mercenary. Shoot the second mercenary in the head. Note - The second guard will be aiming at the hole, so he will not see you if you drop out of the hole. The last person to kill is Normon Soth. Start running down the pathway and turn left on the second to last walkway on the left. Look up and turn on your thermal vision. You will see Normon Soth. Get a clear shot and shoot him in the head. After that you must retrieve the smallpox box from the top pathway. If you are on the second to last pathway on the left, go up the ladder. There will be another ladder; use it to climb up. Drop off the ledge onto the pathway. Run down the middle pathway to find the smallpox box.

Easier aiming with pistol - To aim better with the pistol, press X to pull it out. The crosshair should appear normal. Then, press Up on the D-pad and the crosshair should become a laser sight. This makes it very easy to aim, since the laser sight is smaller and thinner than the normal crosshair. This allows fast kills and head shots. Note - If you are in dark corners and have the laser sight on, the enemies will notice and attack you.

Easier aiming with SC-20K - Click the Right Analog-stick to zoom in the sniper scope, then press L to hold your breath. You should be able to get a good shot while Sam remains still.

Human shield - If you haven't already figured it out you can grab guards and use them as a human shield by pressing x this will also hold your gun out so you can shoot at enemies

Knocking out guards - To knock out a guard without using a Sticky Shocker or a Air Foil, shoot a Sticky Cam at their head. Note - It must hit him directly in the head for the guard to get knocked out.

Level select - When you complete the game under the normal or hard difficulty setting, when you go back into the game make sure you go over towards the level select instead of checkpoints. You could lose your data and have to do it over again if the wrong choice is made.

Multiplayer - Talking to teammate after losing - When you are playing in an online match and lose all of your respawn lives, mute your teammate and then unmute him. Both of you can now communicate with each other.

On the third level when you are in Paris on the train, at the beginning there will be a room with an engineer. Knock him out. On the floor of the room is a Prince Of Persia strategy guide.

Paris Level - When you get to the area where the conductor is talking about some earplugs wait for him to go to the toilet, use the swat tactic to get past the door, and use the optic cable and thermal vision to search in all the cabins. Soth is the guy with a right leg that's not warm. When you get to the end and they say "its you or them" run forward up the ladder and onto the roof. when you get there roll the whole way to the end of the train and jump onto the rope.

Prince Of Persia references - On the mission when you are on the train, look in the second car where the guard is located. Knock him out then go behind the fenced door. Look down you will see a magazine featuring Prince Of Persia.

Stealth - To move quieter, crouch down and walk slower. This will make your steps softer, and keep you undetected to a limit.

Train Mission - When you climb out from travelling under the train, you end up in a small control room which has a flashing panel of lights that says to unlock the side doors when you get close to it. Activate it but do not go back to the previous room and use the side doors to try and travel around the train to the next car. The only way is to turn the lights off and quickly go to the set of seats behind the nearest civilian. Wait until he gets up to go turn the lights back on, then quickly and quietly weave in and out of the lights, staying in the shadows until you get to the next car. If you alert anyone, you blew it. Once in the next car, wait until Lambert stops talking, then wait until you hear a train employee talking to a passenger, once they stop talking wait 5 seconds and proceed slowly to the next car. The first door on the right contains a passenger and the only way to get past and not alert anyone is to get your back against the wall and do the SWAT move across the doorway. This move comes in handy quite a bit so don't forget its there. The man you're looking for is two doors down from the one you just passed.

Various references - On the first half of the Jerusalem level, there is a book store directly behind an alley with a swinging lamp. Next to it is another smaller alley with a swinging lamp. If you look inside the large window you can see many different picture references to The Punisher, Ubi Soft's XIII, an anime, and a picture of the infamous "Sniper Kitty" among many other things. Use the binoculars to get a much better look.

Whistling - To whistle, press Black. This will usually make a guard approach the sound. Note - Hide in a dark area and whistle, then jump the guard when he stops.
Sent in by Daniel

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