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Microsoft Xbox The Hobbit Cheats, Codes, Hints, Tips and Walkthroughs
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Microsoft Xbox Strategy Guides Canada:  Microsoft Xbox The Hobbit Official Games Strategy Guides Books
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Bottled In - When your in Lake-Town you have to get to a thieves lair, this is how to get in. Go to the cellar in the Cider Inn the combination for the bottles is Yellow,Blue,Red,Black,and Purple.

Carrier upgrades - At the end of each level, you will be taken to the vendor. Here, you can buy upgrades for your rock bag and medicine chest. Each affects your carrying capacity. The upgrades are as follows:

Rock Bag:

First upgrade - +10 rock carrying capacity; total of 20 rocks.
Second upgrade - +10 rock carrying capacity; total of 30 rocks.

Medicine Chest  -  First upgrade - +5 antidote and health potion carrying capacity;  total of 10 each.

Second upgrade - +5 antidote and health potion carrying capacity; total of 15 each.

Easy Courage Points - On the last level when you meet Liana, she will start fighting the Goblins. There will be an unlimited amount of them. If you need to level up, stay there for awhile and collect all of the courage points.

Exterminating the rat house - Early in the game you will meet a man that says his house is infested with rats.Go to his house and immediately go to a hole in the wall. Inside the rats hide when you go near if you hit where they hide they come out after that. After that room go to the back and get the rats there go to the middle room and get them. Now your done.

Fighting spiders - When fighting the spiders, stay up on one of the rocks. Throw rocks at her minions. If you run out of rocks, just slip on your ring and sneak [or she will hear you and attack], over to some rocks and get

Goblin Cave Gaurd - Once you get the WartStone from Crumpet Give it to the gaurd but then he will fight you, just make sure you have a potion because he is hard at the time because he can dodge attacks.

Health - Go to the floodgate and shut off the water go behind you and you will see a little piece of land jump on it and you will see another piece of land jump on it and you get a sack of powder.

Killing bigger spiders - When your in the Flies and Spiders level you'll match up against some big and nasty spiders. The trick is to use your jump slash attack to knock them over and when the stomach is open let it all out.

Mirkwood Forest:  Defeating Smaug - Stay behind the debris until all of the fire is gone. Even though he stops, some fire is still there and it will kill even if you take one step out. The ring will not help you at all.

Obtaining equipment - There are three items you can acquire throughout the game - the walking stick, throwing rocks, and Sting. The walking stick can be found in a chest in Bag End at the Shire [first level]. The rocks can be found in a grove of apple trees in the Shire. Sting is obtained in the troll cave at the end of that level.

Overhill and Underhill scroll - The Overhill and Underhill scroll is directly in front of the firewood hanging on the cliff.

Pass the stone on the bridge - To pass the stone in The Wild, when you approach it a black screen appears with several letters; just put in ELROND and the stone will drop.

Roasted Mutton. Easy Beat - After the rocks cave in behind you go to the right .You'll see the 1st OGRE walking back and forth. Wait until he walk's toward the fire (his back will be turned) then go toward the steps you see and climb up them. Then you'll get to a treasure chest. Once you get there the 1st OGRE will start walking from the rock to near the 2nd OGRE. Wait until the 1st OGRE starts to walk away then go strait to the small rock that you see. Once there make sure that the 1st OGRE can't see you (or you'll be caught for sure). Then when the 1st OGRE walks away go through the small path behind the 2nd OGRE, VERY SLOWLY OR YOU'LL BE CAUGHT! After that get all the stuff on top the rocks. Hug the wall tothe pile of rocks. When you get there OGRE #2 will move. go back to the spot where OGRE#2 was at at first. Hide behind the big round rock, Wait for OGRE#1 to walk to the fire, Then walk to the next rock, do this a few more times then get the wallet and you've beat that level.

Saving Beorn - In order to save Beorn on the last level, you must push four different blue barrels located around the area. Follow the courage crystals and do not stop to fight. Use the ring when you encounter enemies, because you are timed.

Save regularly - It is very easy to die quickly in this game, whether it is from accidentally falling off a ledge, a severe poisoning, or being caught sneaking around. Save regularly to prevent jumping back a quest or more.

Sting - The Sting is located in the troll treasure cave at the end of the third level.

Throwing Rocks - The Throwing Rocks are located in a grove of apple trees on a hill in the first level.

Troll Hole scroll - The Troll Hole scroll is located down the path after the FMV sequence.

Walking stick - Until you obtain Sting, the walking stick will be used mainly for combat. Once you do obtain Sting, drop the combat aspect and only use it for jumping. When moving forward, quickly press L1 then X to use your walking stick to jump. Be careful -- using it on shorter jumps may result in over-jumping.
Sent in by Randall Kauri / Wayne Felt / Oman32781 

Erebor: Belt:  After Smaug is defeated, you will be in Erebor. After solving the block riddle, Bombur will want you to find a belt. Next to Thorin are wooden platforms. Climb them and get the belt. Then in the gear room, climb up the wooden platforms in the back of the room and put it in the gears.

Lake Town: Wine bottle riddle:  Once you get all five of the wine bottle in Lake-Town, Malloc will tell you a riddle about how the bottles are arranged. The order is as follows:

1. Yellow Wine Bottle
2. Blue Wine Bottle
3. Red Wine Bottle
4. Black Wine Bottle
5. Purple Wine Bottle

Roast Mutton: Trolls:  Do these followings in order to sneak by the Trolls and get the wallet. First, find the first Troll. He should be standing and doing nothing. Once he leaves, he will go to another area, then return to his original area. If he leaves his area, go and pass him by, then climb the small stairs. Once up, you will see a blue chest. The first Troll you once encountered will go to another area. Go to the area that the Troll has moved to. There about three Trolls here. You will see the troll rubbing his back against a tree trunk. Then, he will leave his area and rub his back against another tree trunk. When he is leaving his original area, and is going to another tree trunk, try not sneak when he leaves; you will not be very accurate and it will be very easy for the trolls to catch you. However, running works best. Run exactly when he leaves, and when he is not looking. Hide behind the rock that is near the Trolls' second area. Press L to kneel down so that the troll cannot see you. After that, you will see a trail. Go onto that trail. Keep in mind that there is another Troll, and he is sleeping. Stay on the trail only, not the leaves, or he will wake up. Press L to sneak past him. You will see two rocks. Jump on them until you see an obstacle course. Cross the obstacle course, and the second Troll you encountered will find two rocks and sit down to rest. In order to sneak by him, notice that when
he yawns he is not paying attention to who is crossing his area. When he yawns, sneak by him, run to the rock, and press L. When you do, you will see the first Troll you encountered. He will walk back and fourth. When he is not looking, run to the rock and press L. Keep doing this manouver to reach the wallet. Note: Try not to throw rocks at the trolls. If you do, he will start looking for you, and try to eat you.

The Unexpected Party: Finding the Waters Of Vigour:  After you are done getting all the food for Bombur, go to a well in the apple orchard. The Hobbit that was standing there earlier should be gone. Press X and a bucket should come up with the Waters Of Vigour in it.

Water room puzzle:  To gain entry to the water room, read the plaques on either side of the puzzle: "You must walk through EREBOR to reach it's heart". Approach the statue behind you and press X. The runes on the front spell EREBOR. Spell these out on the puzzle floor and the door will open. Note: Make sure to walk on the letters in the correct order.

Defeating Smaug:  Stay behind the debris until all of the fire is gone. Even though he stops, some fire is still there and it will kill even if you take one step out. The ring will not help you at all.

In the last level (Gathering Of The Clouds), when you meet up with  Lianna, you can get endless courage points by either waiting at the top of the ladder for Lianna to kill all of the Orcs, or by fighting them yourself. The Orcs will keep appearing, supplying you with endless courage points.

At the beginning of the final level (The Clouds Burst) after talking to Gandalf and receiving his message, look around. You will see three female Elves. Face away from Gandalf and Elvenking Thranduil. Then, go to the female elf on your left. Talk to this female elf seven times and a lot of courage points (value 50) will appear, which you will automatically collect. This will total 2,000 courage points. To talk seven times faster, press Start. If you do not receive the 2,000 courage points, you are probably talking to the wrong female elf. In this case, just try the others until you get the courage points.

Mithrill Chainmail Vest:  When you get to the level after defeating Smaug, one of the Dwarves should give you a chainmail vest.

Beating The Giant Badger - When you get past the three trolls you search for there cave. you'll get to the part where you meet an elf. she'll ask you to get her potion. you have to beat this badger thing. if you want to beat it you need a lot of rocks. but to beat it with you're stick you have to run up to it. then keep hitting it. one of its minions will come up to you. kill it when the big one's watching. then it stands up. hit its belly and it falls. then keep hitting it. keep doing that and it soon dies.

Get the Chain - In side the dwarves mountain (after you defeat Smaug) after you start the platforms go to the main room, (on the platform) and go on to the other side. From there shimmy across the edges of the wall to get to the water fall. Then continue to shimmy until go get to the other side. Slip the ring on and move slowly so the spiders don't hear you. at the end of all the spiders you'll get the missing chain.

Health - Go to the floodgate and shut off the water go behind you and you will see a little piece of land jump on it and you will see another piece of land jump on it and you get a sack of powder.

Exterminating the rat house - Early in the game you will meet a man that says his house is infested with rats.Go to his house and immediately go to a hole in the wall. Inside the rats hide when you go near if you hit where they hide they come out after that. After that room go to the back and get the rats there go to the middle room and get them. Now your done.

Goblin Cave Gaurd - Once you get the WartStone from Crumpet Give it to the gaurd but then he will fight you, just make sure you have a potion because he is hard at the time because he can dodge attacks.

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