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Microsoft Xbox Dead to Rights Cheats, Codes, Hints, Tips and Walkthroughs
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All Guns - up, down, left, left, a, b, a, a

Unlock All Chapters - Press Up , Down , Up , Down , Left , Right , Right , Y , X , X at the [New Game] screen.
Sent in Vergil

Instant Camera Repositioning - The games camera has a tendency to give you the worst possible viewing angle at times. In this instances, simply press the Black button twice to position the camera behind Jack's back.

Getting Out Of Cells Easier - When trying to get out of cells which have Health, press Y to dive out of the door. This usually lets you fly by any thugs coming into the door.

Prisoners in Hallways - If you don't want to waste health, ignore the prisoners in the hallways who will attack you. Simply run by them and get to the next gate.

Combat - To defeat people that do not have guns easier, keep blocking and dodging. If you do not dodge, you will still get hurt. When you are in the prison, you will learn how to reverse a grab. This allows you to avoid getting hurt when they grab you. When you reverse the grab, you will throw their arms in the air. This will leave them open to attack.

Fahook - After defeating Fahook once he goes into the back of the plane, when you get him very low on life he will drink from his bottle. At this time you should shoot the bottle out of his hands before he gains too much life. Doing this three or four times will destroy his bottle. Finish off his remaining life points and watch the intermission sequence.

Mayor - When the fight starts, get a good angle then keep diving at the Mayor. Make sure you press the Analog-stick into him. If you just press Y, you will not dive as fast and will get hit more often. Once he starts taking a few massive swings at you, he will slump over while standing. Run behind him, press A to jump on his back, then press the buttons as quickly as possible. You should be able to put him down in about four to five strangles. If he grabs you by the neck, press the buttons until your oxygen gets full and you will kick him in the face.
Sent in by Mathew

Level select:-  Press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Y, X, X, at the main menu with the [New Game] option. A scream will confirm correct code entry. Then, press Down at the "Press Start" screen until the level selection option appears.

Disarms - Every type of weapon has five disarms [B, Up + B, Left + B, Right + B, and Down + B]. An exception is the shotgun, which B and Up + B. Note: Disable the [Random Disarms] option or you will not learn any new ones.

The disarms are held by one enemy on each level possessing guns. Go through the levels, disarming everyone possible. Keep tabs of who you were able to disarm in a particular room before you die. When you continue, you will know which ones are remaining to disarm until you
check everyone. Then, move on, save, and repeat. There is a shotgun disarm on mission 2 after the Boss. There are five disarms for all weapons, including the shotgun. The enemies will only unlock disarms for the weapons they are using, and of course there are no disarms on the levels without guns. Always use cover, duck behind something, or wait around a corner and be patient. Eventually, they will approach closer. Press one of the Circle combos their fate is sealed. Draw them closer one by one and disarm them or take them hostage systematically, while never exposing yourself. The objective is to not get shot, or go down in a blaze of glory.

Defeating people without gun - To defeat people that do not have guns easier, keep blocking and dodging. If you do not dodge, you will still get hurt. When you are in the prison, you will learn how to reverse a grab. This allows you to avoid getting hurt when they grab you. When you reverse the grab, you will throw their arms in the air. This will leave them open to attack. However, they can still block.

Flaming Fisted Man warning - After defeating Flaming Fisted Man, the game restarts itself. This does not allow you to save your game, meaning that you either start a new game or continue fighting Flaming Fist Man repeatedly.

Spine break - When you are locked up [Iron Point] and are walking around in the hall only two or three people will be around. One of them will run up to you and say something. When you run away, they start to walk away. As they walk away you can go in back of them and do the grab. However, they move too much and you will end up breaking their back.
Sent in by Kim/Pete

Chapter 1:

All pistol disarms - When you start the level, a man will appear and try to shoot you. Lock on to him and use your dog [Shadow] to kill him. Shadow will bring his gun to you. When you kill him, another man by a crane will start to shoot. Lock on to him and shoot him with the gun you received. When you kill him, some pipes will fall down, making it appear as if you cannot get through. However, you can. Immediately when you enter, a man will come up behind you and say "Drop it!". You will throw down your weapon and turn around. When you turn around, you will not be able to move anymore this will make it easier. You will be prompted to press Circle to disarm him. You can
either do that, or do it with the Analog-stick. To get all of them, keep doing the level over or try it the old fashioned way.

Chapter 3:

Spine break - When you are locked up [Iron Point] and are walking around in the hall only two or three people will be around. One of them will run up to you and say something. When you run away, they start to walk away. As they walk away you can go in back of them and do the grab. However, they move too much and you will end up breaking their back.

Ledge in mine - If you are having trouble getting across the ledge in the mine after the prison break, go to the wall with the ledge and enter "wall mode". You will scoot across and will not perish in a darkened abyss.

Chapter 13:

Voice access - Kill one of the men that has green on. You will see a man in yellow walk out in the open and run back. After a moment, the man in the yellow will run over to you. When he does this, and grab him. If another man runs with him, kill him and leave the man in yellow alive. Take him to give the voice authorization and you will be able to open gate. When you go over to the gate, a lot of men will be there. An easy way to kill all of them is to run up to them and grab one as a shield. The man you grab will get killed quickly. Keep doing this until only one person remains.

Chapter 14:

Fahook uses bottle - After defeating Fahook once he goes into the back of the plane, when you get him very low on life he will drink from his bottle. At this time you should shoot the bottle out of his hands before he gains too much life. Doing this three or four times will destroy his bottle. Finish off his remaining life points and watch the intermission sequence.
Sent in by JoelT1845

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