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Playstation Twisted Metal 3 Cheats, Codes, Hints, Tips and Walkthroughs
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Sony PSone Strategy Guides Canada:  Playstation Twisted Metal 3 Official Games Strategy Guides Books
UK:           Playstation Twisted Metal 3 Official Games Strategy Guides Books
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Twisted Metal 3 - by Jonathan Bouldin 
USA>  Twisted Metal: 1, 2, & 3: Official Strategy Guide
Europe>  Twisted Metal Compendium: Official Strategy Guide
Canada>  Twisted Metal 1, 2, & III: Official Strategy Guide
USA>  Twisted Metal 3: Official Strategy Guide
Europe>  Twisted Metal 3: Official Strategy Guide
Canada>  Twisted Metal 3: Official Strategy Guide
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First beat the game with auger then beat it with axle (both in twisted metal mode) then after watching axles clip the clips of every one else will be played only ifyou have the code for minion and sweetooth is put in also whe you finish with axle you have to hav analog on and press a series of buttons (any of your choice). sometimes it will work for best results have the invincibility code put in.
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99 Freeze Missiles  -  Go to the password screen and enter TRIANGLE, UP, O, RIGHT, START. 
All Cheats Activated  -  Enter the password: Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, L1, L1 
All Pickups are Power Missiles  -  Enter the password Start, L1, Start, L1, Start. 

Auger Passwords 

Washington DC -- R1, R1, Select, Down 
Hangar 18 -- X, Start, X, Up, L1 
North Pole -- Select, R1, Left, Left, X 
London -- Right, Right, R1, R1, Right 
Tokyo -- Down, R1, L1, X, Right 
Egypt -- R2, Start, R2, Right, Right 
Blimp -- Triangle, L1, Triangle, Right, Circle 

Axel Passwords 

North Pole -- X, Triangle, Square, R2, X 
Washington D.C. -- L1, Square, Triangle, Right, Up 
London -- Up, L2, Circle, Square, L1 
Tokyo -- Up, Triangle, Select, Right, Up 
Egypt -- Left, Up, L1, Up, R2 
Blimp -- L1, R1, Up, Left, Circle 

CPU Cars Ignore Ammo When Low  -  Enter DOWN, L1, DOWN, START, TRIANGLE as your password. 

Club Kid Passwords 

Washington DC -- Down, X, Up, Right, Down 
Hangar 18 -- R2, Right, O, L2, L1 
North Pole -- Triangle, O, Down, Triangle, X 
London -- Square, Right, Square, Square, Up 
Tokyo -- O, R2, Start, Right, R2 
Egypt -- Right, Right, Down, R2, X 
Blimp -- L1, Circle, Start, Triangle, Left 

Fast Weapons  -  Enter the password: R1, R1, L1, L1, L1. It makes your weapons shoot faster then before. 

Firestarter Passwords 

Washington DC -- Left, R2, Select, L1, Up 
Hangar 18 -- L1, R2, X, Left, Down 
North Pole -- O, R2, R1, R1, R2 
London -- Select, R1, Right, Square, Select 
Tokyo -- Start, R2, Right, L2, Start 
Egypt -- Down, Select, X, Triangle, Left 
Blimp -- L2, L2, L, Square, R1 

Flower Power Passwords 

Washington D.C. -- X, L2, R2, Down, R2 
Hangar 18 -- Select, Start, L1, Down, X 
North Pole -- Up, L2, Triangle, Circle, L1 
London -- Left, Square, Right, X, L2 
Tokyo -- L1, Left, X, Up, Circle 
Egypt -- Circle, Square, Left, L2, Down 
Blimp -- Select, Left, R1, R2, Left 

Flower Power's "Other" Screen  -  Enter the password Left, Square, Square, Square, Left and start a one-player game. At the player-select screen, pick Flower Power, highlight Info, and press X to view a hidden graphic of the character. 

Get 8 Specials  -  In the Hanger 18 level, destroy all four control panels and enter the warp inside the UFO. Wait a while on top and you'll see a UFO flying around. Shoot it down and you'll get 8 specials. 

Giant Richochet Bombs  -  Enter LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, UP at the password screen. 

Hammerhead Passwords 

Washington D.C. -- Circle, Right, Circle, X, Select 
Hangar 18 -- Select, Circle, Down, Up, Square 
North Pole -- Start, Up, Square, Right, L2 
London -- Down, Triangle, L2, R2, R1 
Tokyo -- R2, Up, Triangle, Square, X 
Egypt -- Triangle, Triangle, R1, Select, Start 
Blimp -- Square, Up, Up, Start, Left 

Homing Rain  -  Enter UP DOWN UP DOWN UP as your password to have the "rain" weapon home in on your opponents when fired. 

Infinite Specials  -  Enter the password L1,L1,R1,R1,R1. Then you will return to the main menu. Now begin a game then quit. When you begin a game again you will have an unlimited amount of your character's secret weapon. 

Invincibility  -  At the password screen press L1, Square, X, R1, Start. 

Last Level Tip  -  On the last level you must shoot all switches before your enemies will die for real. If you don't they will come back to life. Shoot all the switches than the big switch (located on the upper level in that red place.) Shoot this and you're in business. 

Minion Passwords 

Washington D.C. -- up, start, down, L1, square 
Hangar 18 -- left, R1, select, circle, left 
North Pole -- L1, start, R2, down, triangle 
London -- circle, R1, triangle, L1, R2 
Tokyo -- select, start, R1, L2, X 
Egypt -- start, L1, right, R1, R1 
Calypso's Blimp -- down, X, square, down, select 

More powerful weapons  -  Enter this code as a password: Triangle, Circle, Down, Left, Up. It makes hits and explosions more powerful, missiles and any weapon more powerful to except the machine gun. 

Mr. Grimm Passwords 

Washington D.C. -- Down, Down, Start, R2, Circle 
Hangar 18 -- R2, X, Triangle, Down, Right 
North Pole -- Triangle, Down, Right, R2, R2 
London -- X, X, Square, Circle, Circle 
Tokyo -- Down, L2, Select, Select, Right 
Egypt -- Up, Circle, Up, Up, L1 

Outlaw 3 Passwords 

Washington D.C. -- Triangle, Select, Down, Circle, L1 
Hangar 18 -- Square, L1, R2, R2, Square 
North Pole -- Start, Circle, Right, Up, L2 
London -- Up, R2, Triangle, Select, R2 
Tokyo -- Left, Right, Up, Circle, X 
Egypt -- L1, R2, X, Left, Start 
Blimp -- Circle, Left, R1, Up, L2 

Play as Minion  -  At the password screen press Right, Right, Right, Left, Left. Minion will be next to Outlaw 33 on the car selection screen. 

Play as Sweet Tooth  -  Enter the password Left, Left, Left, Right, Right. Sweet Tooth will appear after Hammerhead. 

Roadkill Passwords 

Hanger 18 -- Down, L2, Start, Right, Select 
North Pole -- R2, Select, Triangle, R2, Up 
London -- Triangle, L2, Right, Triangle, L2 
Tokyo -- Square, Select, Square, Select, Triangle 
Egypt -- Left, L2, Start, Square, R1 
Blimp -- Right, Square, Left, Start, Select 

Save Game Settings  -  To activate the memory card in TM3 go to the password screen and enter start 5 times. Set all your settings how you like them and begin a game. Just before the game begins you will be prompted to save. 

Secret Disco Level  -  Enter the password Left, Left, Left, Square, Square. You'll be brought to Club Kid's house. 

Secret Warehouse Level  -  In the password screen type Up, Up, Up, Left, Left.

It will go back to the main menu as though nothing happened. Now go to deathmatch, select a car and ANY stage. You will automatically start in the warehouse. 

Secret Warehouse Level 2  -  Enter the password Square, Square, Square, Left, Left. 

Secret Weapons 
North Pole:  Lightning - Go to the teleporter on the upper level and you will be transported to Santa's place, destroy his house and you will find the lightning item. Lure everyone into Santa's place, run out of there to the far end of the stage and use the item. 

Hangar:  UFO- Go to the raised level outside of the arena and travel around it till you find a large area with a red light on the front wall and destroy it, continue along the outside and do the same for the three remaining openings. find the road on the lower arena and head into the ship into a teleporter. After teleporting, turn around and destroy the glass dome and grab the UFO item. Use it right away! (its a lethal weapon) 

Egypt:  Lightning- Go to the temple at one of the far ends of the stage and blow open the entrance. Head down the tunnel into the main room and destroy the pillar in the center and grab the lightning item. Lure everyone into the temple, run out and use the item.

Eve- Go to the pyramid at the far end of the stage and destroy the pillar in the front of it, revealing an underground passage. Go through the tunnel and into a room with a coffin. Destroy the coffin and get the pyramid-shaped item. Lay one nearby an enemy, run away, and detonate it, (does pretty massive damage) 

Tokyo:  Radar- Go to the roof with the big radar dish on it and find the ramp on the end of the roof. Use your turbo and jump the ramp and onto the next roof. go left up an incline and turn left again, you should see  another ramp. Head straight up the ramp, using turbo, and jump to another ramp on a roof. If you aim correctly of the ramp you should get the item. Go off the roof where the dish is located and use the item. 

Blimp:  Lightning- Go to the lower level and into one of the two passages that takes you to a road closed wall, destroy the wall and head through the tunnel until you find another road closed wall. Destroy this wall and go up to the blue room with a pack of missiles, a full health pack, a teleporter, and a lightning item. Use the item in either that blue room or the red room on the upper level. 

Shoot High Napalms  -  For high-arcing napalms, enter the password R1, R1, L1, L1, L1. 
Solo Deathmatch  -  To be by yourself (but why??) in deathmatch mode, enter X, O, O, O, O at the password screen. 

Special Moves 

Freeze Missile - While in battle press LEFT, RIGHT, UP 
High Jump - While in battle press UP, UP, LEFT 
Rear Fire - While in battle press LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN 
Invisibility - While in battle press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT 

Spectre Passwords 

Washington D.C. -- Up, Triangle, Down, Right, L1 
Hangar 18 -- Left, Up, Square, R1, X 
North Pole -- L1, Triangle, L2, X, L2 
London -- Circle, Up, Left, Circle, Start 
Tokyo -- Select, R1, R1, Right, R2 
Egypt -- Start, Start, Up, R2, Circle 
Blimp -- Triangle, X, R1, Start, R2 

Sweet Tooth Passwords 

Washington D.C. -- R1, R1, Square, Start, L2 
Hangar 18 -- X, R2, R2, Left, Triangle, R1 
North Pole -- L1, L1, Select, Select, Select 
London -- Up, R1, X, Up, Right 
Tokyo -- Left, L1, Up, L2, L1 
Egypt -- L1, X, Right, Triangle, Select 
Blimp -- Circle,R2,Left,L2,Select 

Thumper Passwords 

Washington D.C -- R2, Triangle, Left, Down, L2 
Hangar 18 -- Square, R1, R2, Circle 
North Pole -- Select, Square, R1, R2, Circle, Square 
Tokyo -- Start, Start, Select, Up, L1 
Egypt -- L2, Start, Right, Left, Triangle 
Blimp -- R1, R1, X, L1, Select 

Unlimited Weapons  -  Enter TRIANGLE, O, UP, RIGHT, DOWN at the password screen. 

Warthog Passwords 

Washington D.C. -- Select, L1, Left, Start, Left 
Hangar 18 -- Start, L1, Right, R1, L2 
North Pole -- Down, L1, Start, L2, Square 
London -- Triangle, Triangle, Start, Left 
Tokyo -- Down, R1, L1, X, Right 
Egypt -- Square, Square, Start, L1, Triangle 
Blimp -- R2, L2, Down, X, Left 

World of Ice  -  At the password screen press Up, Up, X, X, Up. 

Zombie Tunes  -  To listen to rocking tunes from Rob Zombie and others as well as the voiceovers simply pop TM3 into any normal audio CD player and skip to track #2.

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