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Playstation Syphon Filter Cheats, Codes, Hints, Tips and Walkthroughs
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Syphon Filter FAQ - by Keith Platz
This is a total information guide to Syphon Filter by 989 Studios

Gameshark code

Extra Health : 80068BEC 0000
Sent in by: bkykrk

Defeating Benton At Expo Centre Reception:
Benton attacks you with a G18 machine pistol if you stand in one place you will be shot to pieces so what you need to do is to watch him if he reaches your position look for cover and stay there to avoid his bullets its not easy shooting him in the head because he dosen't stay in one place he is wearing a flak jacket so the HK5 won't cut him down you need to use the 9mm handgun and aim for a headshot you know when you killed him because Gabe says His Finished.
Sent in by

1-shot kill with the 9MM  -  Select and highlight the Weapons Screen. Press and hold Right, R2, L2, Circle, Square, and X at the same time. 

All Weapons and Infinite Ammo  -  Pause the game and highlight the Weapons menu. Now press and hold RIGHT + L2 + R2 + CIRCLE + SQUARE + X. 

Defeating Anton Girdeaux  -  When playing against Anton Girdeaux, try to always keep a pole between you and him. Then he will be unable to see you. Hold L1 to manually aim whatever weapon you want. (However, I do advise against either of the sniper rifles as they are rather slow.) Then hold L2 or R2 to peek out from behind the pole. Fire only at his gas pack on his back. Otherwise it will hit his body armor. You can see his gas pack from behind him when he turns to fire. Fire at the pack and let go of L1 and the other shoulder button and press L2 or R2 by themselves to crank your tail away from the flames. Repeat this about 5 times with .45 or about 10 times with the 9mm. 

Defeating Rhoemer  -  Before turning off the computer grab the gas grenades (you should do it quick because you are timed) then before you turn off the computer through a gas grenade behind you in the entrance way that Rhoemer comes in. As soon as the cinema ends He will instantly die. No effort or frustrating deaths needed. 

Defeating the Chopper  -  Beating the chopper can be tough unless you know the proper way. First you will need to learn the choppers two basic attack patterns and to be smart about evading the its fire. What it does is that it kinda strafes from side to side shooting bursts at you and then it drops down below the fence. Go to the edge and hold the lock on button and start strafing and then start shooting. Repeat this step as much as you can until he starts smoking. After it starts smoking, it unload a whole ton of lead at you so you better be good at side stepping. First stand facing the ledge its rising from and when it appears, lock on and roll ( while shooting ) along the edge as fast as possible from on corner to the other. Its almost beat when it passes overhead so when it does that just lock on and fire away and you should have it. Sometimes the chopper might drop some terrorists down but they shouldn't be too much of a problem, just get in some quick head shots then focus on the chopper again. 

Easier Enemies  -  To make your enemies easier to kill, pause the game and highlight the MAP entry. While it's highlighted, press and hold Right, R1, L2, X. A laugh will confirm the code. 

Get the M-79 and Grenades  -  To get the M-79 in the first level, go to the subway and turn right twice until your on the subway track. Then get on the sidewalk and go forward. Kill the guy running at you and climb into a square shaped hole. If you go right, you will find two boxes, one with grenades and the other a flak jacket. If you decided to go right you will have to climb through another hole. Hop in to the hole and turn on your flash light and look around, you will soon find the M-79 in a box. 

Get the M-79 and Grenades: Method 2  -  To get the M-79 Grenade Launcher in Level 1 BEFORE you go into the Subway here is what you have to do: When you go down the elevator to pull the switch that bypasses the Subway security system go back up the elevator like you normally would. There is usually a terrorist on the fire escape to the left, kill him and climb the box by the gate. Then jump to the opposite fire escape and climb onto it. Move forward and hold onto the pipe above the fire escape. Shimmy across and two more terrorists will come. Make sure you first get across the pipe before you try to kill them. After you kill them go to the end of the fire escape that the FIRST terrorist was on. There should be a box containing a M-79 Grenade Launcher. 

Harder Game  -  At the title screen press and hold Left, L1, R2, Select, Square, Circle, and X. The word "dammit" will confirm the code. 

Level Select  -  Pause the game, go into the Options menu. Highlight the Select Mission option, then press and hold LEFT + L1 + R1 + SELECT + SQUARE + X. It's hard to do this, but the code has been confirmed by GameSages staff. 

Pit Glitch In Dinorama Stage  -  There is a cool glitch you can activate in the museum level (part 2). Go into the room with the model of the T-Rex in it after jump through the glass. Make sure to kill the guards, then shoot out all the small lights in the circular pattern above the T-Rex model. After you shoot out ALL the lights, go over to the small podium near the T-Rex' mouth and you'll see that where the floor used to be, it will be all black, if you walk into it, you'll fall to your death!! I don't know if you could get the guards to fall into the glitch hole, but its worth a try. 

Play as the Human Torch in Any Stage  -  CAUTION !!: USE THIS CODE AT YOUR OWN RISK
Incorrect use of this trick can HALT the game.

This is a really cool code to see Gabe Logan in a new light. This code enables you to run through any stage while on fire giving the effect of the human torch.

Use Gameshark code for Extra Health : 80068BEC 0000 
Turn off the Vibration feature. If you fail to turn off vibration the controller will continuously vibrate. 
You can set yourself on fire a number of ways. Walk into fire. Use the taser on an enemy and hold it until he burns to a crisp and walk into the flame. Use the M-79 grenade launcher to blow up an enemy and then walk into the fire. This trick adds a great effect to the game. DISADVANTAGE - CAUTION !!! You cannot use TRIANGLE to answer Lian Xing's calls when you are contacted. If you do press TRIANGLE, the game will crash.

To avoid this, just ignore Lian's contacts and allow the objective to be added and press START to see the objectives. To put out the fire, press CIRCLE to tumble on the ground. 

Playing Tips 

Tip #001. To get out of the intro scene and into gameplay quickly press (X) before or during the scene.
Tip #002. The best way not to get hit by a mob of terrorists (5 or more) in to move around in circles or you own patterns while firing back.
Tip #003. Be careful of where you aim you weapons so you won't harm CBCD Agents (They're your best and only backup!)
Tip #004. If you use your taser on a CBCD agent during or after their death, other agents will try to kill you.
Tip #005. If you're concerned about saving ammo in a game like this remember to use the head method. Use manual aim and head for the head of the enemy.
Tip #006. Shoot out spotlights/street lights/ or anything that has light ahead of time. That way the enemy won't be able to spot you as fast as he would.
Tip #007. Another way to save ammo is by using your taser. The pros to it is that ic an kill the enemy by enflaming them to death. The cons to it is that if you use the taser on one target for a certain time your vulnerable to other lurking enemies. 

Power-up bullets  -  Go into the game and press start. Then go to weapons and highlight the 9mm then press and hold LEFT, L1, R2, SELECT, SQUARE, X, O. 

Take out the two guards behind the truck with the Gas Grenades found in the locker inside of the guard's room. Snipe out the guard on the over-head walk way THEN the search light (if you shoot the search light first, the guy will call for back-up, making your life a living he). 

Go forward until you see the first gas-tank, but take out the guard that's coming around the corner from the left, first. Look where the guy just came from and take out the guard patrolling in front of the gate. NOW plant the C-4. 

Check to your left and see the guy coming down the ramp. Wait for him to leave, and Check your right. Take out this guard using the peek-a-boo tactic (see him when his back is turned) and head up the ramp. 

Cross the walkway and wait atop until the two guards leave the scene. Kill the remaining guard and get the Night-Vision Rifle and Gas Grenades. Throw a Gas Grenade to kill the two guards around the corner and then sneak up and wait by their bodies. Kill the two guards on the walk-way next to the light and then take out the light. Walk ahead a few feet and kill the guard through the window, and plant the second C-4. 

After the C-4 turn to your right and kill the guard past the boxes, make you way down the alley, gas the talking guards and take out the lights. head to your right and plant the third C-4. 

Walk towards the tank but when you see the special guy, run all the way back and hide until he turns around, then kill him and pick up his card, FLAK, and ammo. Walk ahead, kill any remaining guards, and plant the fourth C-4. 

Kill the guards around the corner and next to the door and open the gate, Head to the Power plant and kill the patrolling guard, HURRY kill the other guard next to the switch before he calls for backup. Hit the switch, and plant the final C-4. Now make your way to the bunker and prepare for a lot of guards in the next level. 

Shoot With the Viral Scanner  -  Go to the first warehouse stage near the end of the game. Then enter the code for all weapons and infinite ammo listed on this website. Go to the room were you get the Viral Scanner. Kill the guy after he gives you the passwords. Open up the chest with the viral scanner in it. The subtitle should say "Viral Scanner Bullets Found". Now leave the room. You can shoot lights and stuff, but unfortunately not people. 

Stealth Tips  -  You need to use stealth in Syphon Filter; and doing that can be quite frustrating. Here are 3 tips to improve your chances of completing the game: 

When a guard is on a route (walking back and forth). Hide behind a wall and hold L1 to manual aim. Then hit L2 or R2 to do a quick pop out. Then you simply shoot the heck out of the guard then let go of the buttons.

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