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Playstation MediEvil Cheats, Codes, Hints, Tips and Walkthroughs
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MEDIEVIL WALKTHROUGH - Written by Mirrorstar
MediEvil FAQ HTMLMEDIEVIL FAQ - Played by Iain Noble; written by Ann Noble

Cheat Menu for the European Version  -  Pause the game, hold L2 and press Down, Up, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Down, Up, Square, Triangle (DUST TO DUST).

IMPORTANT: This code will only work with the European-PAL version of MediEvil. 

Cup of Souls  -  The cup of souls for the first pumpkin level is sort of hard to find. Go through the tunnel at the beginning of the level. Right of the merchant gargoyle is a shaded wall. Use your hammer, club, or daring dash to break it down. Then go down the tunnel. The shaded area takes keen eyes to find. 

Defeat the First boss  -  To defeat the first boss you need the crossbow. When his heart starts beating and he is about to attack shoot at his heart. 

Defeating Zarok  -  First Zarok will pit his army of skeletons against your own. To maintain your army you must use Good Lightining (which is to the right as you enter Zarok's chambers). Note that this will drain your life meter, but don't worry - for each of your skeleton warriors that survives the first battle, you will receive a life vial.

Next, Zarok will bring out a warrior on a horse-like skeleton. Get out your magic arrows, and run around the room and shoot whenever the horseman is vulnerable.

Finally Zarok himself will take matters into his own hands and transform himself into the form of a lizard-like monster. He's invincible when he is glowing, so attack whenever he's vulnerable. 

Dragon Armour  -  To get the dragon armor you must first have the dragon gems. The first one is given to you by the pumpkin witch. The second one is given to you by the mayor in the Asylum. Then go to the crystal caves (after the lake level) and go under the water fall that is after the green door.

Go to the face of the dragon on the wall and you will awaken the dragon. He will then start to attack you by starting you on fire. You must use the hammer to collapse the roof on his head. To do this simply hit the platforms you stand on. The platform you first start on drops rocks on the tallest platform and the rest you can figure out. 

Easy Cash  -  Enter the level called Sleeping Village and go into the room with the blue rune, then go to the pillow shop DO NOT HIT THE INNOCENT VICTIMS. When you see all the rats, club them or hit them with a Hammer and for each one you hit you get 2 or 3 pieces of gold. 

Easy Gold  -  See those pesky hands that follow you in the graveyard levels? Every time you smash one with a hammer or club, you get two pieces of gold! Happy smashing! 

Expanded Ending  -  To get the expanded ending get all the cups (19) in all 19 boards and then go back to the Enchanted Earth and use the rune to summon the witch at the pot. Become small an go into the ant hill. Rescue all the faires and get at least seven pieces of amber. Kill the ant queen and once you leave, the witch will give you a drumstick and the fairy will grant you passage to the hall of heroes. You will see your statue solidified. Then beat the game to see the extra part at the end. 

Get the Chalice in "Time Machine"  -  To get the chalice in "Time Machine", first fill the chalice. Then at the place where you got the Earth Rune, spin the electric things so they form a square like this: 

| | 
| | 
| | 

With the lines showing where the electricity is. After this is completed the crystal around it will break and you can get the chalice. 

Jack the Green  -  Jack the green's first riddle is pretty easy. Hit the star shaped bushes with a weapon and they tell you how many more you have left.

His next one is easy, but hard to pull off. Go to the place you couldn't before. There is a clown there and you have to hit the faces so they smile at him. Hit them all so they're one away from smiling then hit them all quickly. Try it until it works.

For the third riddle get the red key from the octopus thingy and go open the red door. A mouse will come out and fallow you. Lead it past all the cats to the elephant at the end of the new path. The elephant gets scared and breaks the wall behind it.

For the last riddle go down the new path until you reach a big hole. Jump into the hole and go out a door that is in the chamber. push the fire thingies to face the window things on the wall (if you do it right you will hear a sound that tells you that you did it right.) Once this is done go back in the chamber until you are transported out.

Jack the green will tell you to find your own way out. Do so. You'll know you've reached the end when you get to a giant chess board. Those of you who know how to play chess can figure it out. Those of you who don't here it is Queen can move anywhere king can do the same except he can only move one space. Rook can move straight as many spaces as possible. And the Bishop can move diagonally. Match the color with the color box and a small box will open in the middle of chess board. 

Life Bottle Locations 
Bottle 1: Dan's Crypt
Bottle 2: The Graveyard
Bottle 3: Hall Of Heroes
Bottle 4: Hall Of Heroes
Bottle 5: Scarecrow Fields
Bottle 6: Pools Of Ancient Dead
Bottle 7: Hall Of Heroes
Bottle 8: Time Machine 

Missing Cog  -  To get the missing cog and start the corn harvester go through the level and kill whoever you want until you have enough for the cup of souls. Then go all the way to the last mechanical grinding device thing right before the end. Go all the way around and there is a small space go through it. There should be a gourd and the cog. then go back to the barn and use it on the harvester. You can now get the cup of souls for this level. 

Powerful Attack  -  Instead of using the crossbow on bosses, try using the dagger. Charge it up with SQUARE and fire, while the enemy is attacking or doing his little moves. It does a fair amount of damage, and uses very little ammo and money. 

Secret Area  -  After you have received the club, hammer, or Daring Dash attack return to Dan's crypt. If you look carefully at the wall in the room in which you start, you should find a weak wall. Break it to discover a secret area. 

Secret Area 2  -  As you enter the graveyard, you would cross a bridge which collapses. If you look at the river you'll notice some coffins floating downstream. Jump on one and it will carry you to a secret area. 

Secret Area 3  -  This area is found at the pools of the ancient dead. Go to the level, and when you come to the gate with the red hand beside it, where you would put the chaos rune, look to the side. You will see a little island off to the side. It has gold, a life bottle and a few energy vials. 

Shadow Demon Talisman  -  Go to the enchanted forest and get the green key. (It's in the bird's nest.) Then go to the green door and open it. Go across the mushrooms and kill everything. Go up to the door and use the Shadow Artifact. Go down into the place. Once there the combination for the doors is: fire, spiral, water, tree.

You'll get the talisman and let the Shadow Demons out. Now go to the place that electricutes you every time you try to go through. Go to the sign next to it, and use the talsmain. Go through and kill the flying things that attack you. Then you can end the level. 

Super Cheat Menu for the European Version  -  Pause the game, then hold L2 and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Left, Circle, Up, Down, Right, Circle, Left, Left, Triangle, Right, Circle, Left, Left, Triangle, Circle, Down, Circle, Circle, Right (TO TOOT LOUD ROLL TROLL TO DOOR.) 

Weapons and Who Has Them 
Canny Tim: Crossbow and Life Bottle
Stanyer: Hammer and 3 Gold Chests
Woden: Broad Sword and Some Gold Chests
Warrior Queen: Spear and 2 vials
Ravenhooves: Longbow, Flaming Longbow, Magic Longbow and Life Bottle
Sturnguard: Magic Shield
Bloodmonath: Axe and 3 gold chests
Dirk: Magic Sword
Dame Fortune: Lightning Blots

Witch's Talisman  -  To get the witch's talsmain go to the level before the hilltop Moseleum. get on the hill and fall into the spot that's blocked off. Kill the zombie's and open the box in it is a club break a rock with it and make for the other place with a rock blocking the door use your sword to kill the zombie's and break the rock with the club. Go in. A gargoyle will talk to you, listen if you want. Go into the next room and kill the zombies, break the book case with the club and read the book inside if you want. Star your club on fire and run up the stairs. Go to the middle of the next room and light the thing in the middle on fire by pressing the square button. The gates should open after killing all the zombies you can go in there cage places and get the stuff inside. Inside one is the witch's Talsmain. you can call the pumpkin witch and the witch in the enchanted woods with this.

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