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Diablo FAQ - by Joseph Christopher
Diablo FAQ - by Stinger
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More Items  -  Lay out 9 items then on the 10th one press Triangle. Then go pick up the item and you will have one more of the potion repeat as needed Note: When you go back into inventory you must be in the middle of the 9th item before you throw it back out. 

Lots of Gold  -  Begin a character. Play until you get at least 4000 gold and save the character. Begin another character in Two-Player Mode while using your first character as one of the 2 characters. Drop everything you want more of from the first character and have the second character pick it up. Save the second character but do not save the first. Quit the game and repeat if you want. You can do this as many times as you want. 

Duplicating belt items:-  When your player is surrounded by items and you can not throw down any more items without moving, throw an item from your belt. It will fall on the ground two squares from your player, but the item will still be on your belt. You can pick it up and have two. This can be done as many times as needed, with any item that is on your belt. This is especially useful with elixirs (spectral) and potions of full rejuvenation when in the lower levels. 

Bonus characters:-  Play all six standard characters until they are fully developed on the same memory card. Then start a new game, go to the "One Player" menu, select the "Load Character" option, and choose the memory card with the six characters. Return to the "One Player" menu, highlight "Load Character", and hold Left or Right until the character portrait changes to a new person (alternate versions of the townspeople). Fully develop the new character and repeat the steps to unlock more characters. 

Attribute Trick:-  If you don't have enough of one attribute to use a weapon, helmet, or armor then put a ring or amulet that will give you enough of one attribute to use it. Apply the ring or amulet then put the item on then take the ring off and the item won't turn red and you can still use it. Note this only works if the item you want to use gives you points to the attribute you need to boost. 

Duplicate Cheat:-  Need cash and equipment fast? Well if you have two controllers this is the cheat for you! All you need to do is start a two-player game and load two characters or load one and start a new one. Now transfer all gold and any equipment to one character. Save that character and start a new game again. When you load the character all you need to do is sell stuff and build a gold pile. Save again then repeat the process as needed. 

Easy Money:-  All you have to do is create a character and save him the pick a 2 player game and load the same character for both players. VOALA! You have 10,000g for each player! keep doing this til' you have 1,000,000g and you have money forever!  
Note: This trick will work with any item you can place in your belt (potions & scrolls) but the duplicate items are phantoms and will only exist in your inventory! 

To perform this cheat, the item you wish to duplicate must be in your belt. You also need 9 items you can drop. Find a location that has an open space at least 4x4 in size and stand in the middle of it. Drop 9 items from your main inventory. This will create a square of 8 items around you with you in the middle standing on the 9th item. Return to your inventory screen and replace one of the items in your belt with the item you want to duplicate. When you've done that, highlight the item in your belt that you want to duplicate, press the X button, then press the triangle button. You'll be returned to the game screen and a duplicate of the item you highlighted on your inventory screen will drop outside the square of items. Go pick up this item and return to the middle of the square of dropped items and repeat the process until you have duplicated as many items as you want. 

IMPORTANT: The item you want to duplicate MUST be in your belt, not your main inventory, for this trick to work. 

The items you create using this trick will work just like the real thing and they will sell for the same price as the real thing, but if you attempt to drop the duplicate it will vanish! Also, if you attempt to save your game with a phantom object in your inventory, you'll get an error and could possibly lose your previously saved game as well, so be forewarned. The best way to take advantage of this cheat is to use the duplicated items immediately. For example: dup an Identify scroll to identify an item and save the 100 gold piece fee; dup Strength, Magic, Dexterity, Vitality or Spectral Elixirs and immediately use them to boost your stats; dup that *Rare* and expensive scroll to make some quick cash! 

Shrine and Fountain List: 
BLOOD FOUNTAIN:-  Every time you drink, your hitpoints go up 
FOUNTAIN OF TEARS:-  -1 to one stat, +1 to some other 
MURKY POOL:-  Casts Infravision spell 
PURIFYING SPRING:-  Every time you drink, your mana goes up 

CAULDRON:-  Has all the other effects at random 
GOAT SHRINE:-  Has all the other effects at random 
ABANDONED SHRINE:-  "The hands of Men may be guided by Faith" Gives +2 to Dexterity. (Doesn't put you above your max-attribute) 
CREEPY SHRINE:-  "Strength is bolstered by heavenly faith." Gives +2 to Strength (Doesn't put you above your max-attribute) 
CRYPTIC SHRINE:-  "Power comes from your disorientation..." Casts Nova spell in the room you're in, doesn't hurt you, but hurts others in the room (and refills your mana) 
DIVINE SHRINE:-  "Drink and be refreshed" Restores both health and mana and either one full health and one full mana or two rejuvenation potions appear 
EERIE SHRINE:-  "Knowledge and wisdom comes at the cost of self" Gives +2 to Magic (Doesn't put you above your max-attribute) 
ELDRITCH SHRINE:-  "Azure and Crimson become as the sun" Potions (heal and mana) become rejuvenation 
ENCHANTED SHRINE:-  "Magic is not always what it seems to be" Takes one spell down 1 level and enhances others by 1 level 
FASCINATING SHRINE:-  "Intensity comes at the cost of wisdom" Permanent mana loss (%), gain 2 levels to Fire Bolt (even if you don't have it yet...) 
GLIMMERING SHRINE:-  "Mysteries are revealed in the light of reason" All unidentified items are identified 
GLOOMY SHRINE:-  "Those who defend, seldom attack" All weapons get -1 to maximum damage (i.e. before 4-8, now 4-7) All armors go up by 1 or 2 points 
HIDDEN SHRINE:-  "New strength flows from destruction" Takes 10 dur from one equipped item and gives it to another. 
HOLY SHRINE:-  "Wherever you go, there you are" Phasing spell 
IMPOSING SHRINE:-  "A surge of blood interrupts your thoughts" Gives +2 to Dexterity (Doesn't put you above your max-attribute) 
MAGICAL SHRINE:-  "While the spirit is vigilant, the body thrives" Casts a Mana Shield spell 
MYSTERIOUS SHRINE:-  "Some are weakened as one grows strong" One characteristic gets +5, the others -1 
ORNATE SHRINE:-  "Salvation comes at the cost of wisdom." Permanent mana loss (%), gain 2 levels to Holy Bolt (even if you don't have it yet...) 
QUIET SHRINE:-  "The essence of life flows from within" Gives +2 to Vitality (Doesn't put you above your max-attribute) 
RELIGIOUS SHRINE:-  "Time cannot diminish the powers of steel" Restores the durability of all your items to the maximum. 
SACRED SHRINE:-  "Energy comes at the cost of wisdom" Permanent mana loss (%), gain 2 levels to Charged Bolt (even if you don't have it yet...) 
SECLUDED SHRINE:-  "The way is made clear when viewed from above" Gives you a map of the current level 
SPIRITUAL SHRINE:-  "Riches abound when you least expect it" All empty slots are filled with cash, how much, depends on the level (If you get this from a cauldron, it's a lot more than just those 5-10 at early levels) 
SPOOKY SHRINE:-  "Where avarice fails patience gains a reward" All others that are playing with you, get their hitpoints back 
STONE SHRINE:-  "Power of Mana refocused renews" Renews mana and recharges staffs 
TAINTED SHRINE:-  "Those who are last, may yet be first" Affects all characters in the game. The person who used the shrine gets a random +1 stat, and everyone else gets a -1 on all stats. 
THAUMATURGIC SHRINE:-  "What once was open, is now closed." Closes and refills all chests. 
WEIRD SHRINE:-  "The sword of justice is swift and sharp" +1 to maximum damage of all your weapons (i.e. before 4-8, now 4-9)

Action Replay Codes

Infinite Gold

Quick Level Gain Sorcerer

Quick Level Gain Rogue

Quick Level Gain Warrior

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