Daily Training's Training Unlockables -
Perform the following tasks in order to unlock new contents.
Hard mode for Calculations x 100 game - Get 11 stamps
Hard mode for Head Count game - Get 9 stamps
Hard mode for Triangle Math game - Get 17 stamps
Head Count game - Get 3 stamps
Low to High game - Get 1 stamp
Stamp Designer Option - Get 7 stamps
Syllable Count game - Get 2 stamps
Time Lapse game - Get 15 stamps
Tips Option - Get 5 stamps
Triangle Math game - Get 13 stamps
Voice Calculation game - Get 19 stamps
Easter Egg: Glasses, Glasses -
On the main menu say "glasses glasses" into the microphone and Ryuta
Kawashima will perform a "funny" animation on the left screen.
Easter Egg: Doctor -
Say "doctor" into the mic at the title screen and Ryuta Kawashima will
laugh or scowl.
Easter Egg: Big Stamp -
If you complete three brain challenges in a day, the stamp used to keep
track of your progress will be bigger.
Brain Age Check Selection -
Go to the Daily Training section and select your name, press and hold
[Select] and pick Brain Age Check. This will open up a selection menu
that lets you choose which three challenges you want to complete for the
age check.
Sudoku Advanced Mode -
You can unlock the Advanced level of sudoku puzzles by completing 48 of
the puzzles in Basic and Intermediate modes - a total completion
percentage of 40% |