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Nintendo N64 Star Fox 64 Cheats, Codes, Hints, Tips and Walkthroughs
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Star Fox 64 Survival Guide  Note: This is a Publish Guide.
Star Fox 64 Survival Guide  -Europe- Note: This is a Publish Guide.
Alternate Mission Paths  -  One of the Star Fox 64's best features is its alternate missions paths. Here's how to access them. 

Aquas:-  Score 100 kills or higher in Sector Y to warp to Aquas, the submarine level.

Area 6:-  When you hit the last leg of the Macbeth stage, shoot the red pillars with metal direction flags on them so they turn green. Keep a very careful eye out for them. (Hint: If you went to Zoness before Macbeth, Katt will come and help shoot those hard-to-reach switches.)

At the end, where the switchboard light is, a switch will appear. Quickly shoot it and the track will move to the right and watch the boss crash into the supply depot. After a nice 50-point bonus you're off to Area 6!

Sector Y:-  When Falco is in trouble in the first level (Corneria), shoot at the planes that are following him to save him... He should say, “I guess I should be thankful”. Later, when you come to the lake with the seven stone arches, fly through all of them. After the third or fourth arch, he should say, “Pretty smooth flying, Fox”. After you go through the seventh arch, he should lead you to another boss. Defeat him and advance to Sector “Y”.

Sector Z:-  In Sector X, keep left at all times. You will eventually hit an area where you have to quickly destroy white gates to pass through them. Destroy the gates and pass through all of them to warp.

Solar:-  When Bill tells you to destroy the 4 hatches, destroy them and then destroy the enemy core. 

Katina:-  Near the end of Meteo you will see rings made of sharp triangles pointing inward. Go through one and you'll jet forward in a barrel roll. Go through all of them (very tough) and it will make you fast enough to warp to Katina. 

Control the Logo  -  At the title screen you can use the analog stick to move the StarFox logo around. Watch Fox and his crew while you do so. 

Crazy Andross  -  When you go to Venom (easy way) when you are fighting Andross shoot a bomb right into his mouth, (steam comes from his ears and his cheeks turn red!) it's quite the laugh! 

Different Opening  -  Go to Training mode and start playing. Pause the game and push R to turn off your sights. Now quit training mode. Without resetting, watch the opening sequence. What ROB64 and General Pepper say is not printed and Pepper doesn't say everything he normally does! 

Easy Way to Earn the Meteo Medal  -  Shoot everything you see and try to get 100 kills. Take the warp and while inside shoot everything that you see for an easy 200 kills. 

Expert Mode  -  To unlock the Expert Mode and the sound test Graphic Equalizer, you must achieve medals on all 15 levels. In order to get a medal on a level, you must beat the stage with a specific number of hits (or more) and all of your wingmen alive. See "How to Earn Medals" for details. 

Expert Versus and Training Modes  -  After you've activated expert mode, move the cursor on the main screen to "Main Game" then push left or right to select "Expert." Next choose either Versus or Training mode. Now, all the expert rules apply -- you take damage easier and one hit will make you lose a wing! This is handy if are on the ground fighting Arwings in versus! 

Extra Lives on Zoness  -  If you kill 200 or more enemies on Zoneth you'll gain two lives. To turn this windfall into nearly unlimited lives, retry the level and kill 200 enemies again. You can repeat this as often as needed. 

Get a Jump on Star Wolf at Venom 2  -  When the Star Wolf team comes in, press start around the time Leon makes the comment, about six seconds, for best results, and also to get the lead on the enemy. When one of them is about to turn to avoid one of the columns with Andross's face on it, shoot them like crazy. If you do it right, they won't be able to move out of the way and instantly crash into the pillar and die, regardless of how much life they have. This is the easy (and quick) way to get the medal in Venom, and you can have single lasers and still pull it off. 

Harder Training Level  -  If you kill 100 ships in training mode, a new ship will appear and try to shoot you down. This ship will reappear after you kill it, so you'll be sure to get plenty of practice. 

Hidden 1-Ups  -  Sector Y: Near the end, your team will gather into a triangle. If you speed up and make it a diamond shape you will get a 1-up.

Venom 2: When you're about to face Andross and you have a choice to go left or right on the different forks. On the first fork, turn right (most turn left), then turn left, you'll see a one up icon spinning around. 

Hidden Lasers in Meteo  - There are two hidden lasers in Meteo:

1. In the beginning there are 3 asteroid rings. Fly through them and a laser will appear.
2. When the "Big Ones Come", go through the first one and another laser will appear. Don't do this if you have low life. 

Hyper Space  -  In the comet level. (level 2) Fly through all the rings that make you spin. Then, if you fly through all of them. You will blast into hyper space where things are CRAZY! 

Infinite Lives in Venom 2  -  In Venom 2 when you reach the tunnel of power go right at the 1st fork then left at the second fork. Once you follow this road you along the way you will receive an extra life. If you die while facing Andross go through this way again and you will get another one. If you keep dying keep going this way and you will eventually beat him. 

Infinite Point Match  -  To have an unlimited point match, do this. Make sure at least three controllers are plugged in and that you are in point match. (You must also be able to go on foot in battle mode.) Select any number of points and then start your game. Make sure that one player gets a bomb, while the others stand close to each other. Now have the player with a bomb damage the other 2 players until they are almost out of life. Shoot your bomb at the other 2. You should see lots of stars above your health. Voila! Note: You now can't exit unless you pause and exit yourself! 

Lock-on Bomb  -  When you are playing the game head-to-head or single-player hold A for the ball of power and lock onto someone/something and press B the bomb should chase the target and hit it hard. 

New Title Screen  -  For a different title screen, earn all the medals in EXPERT mode. 

Play on Foot in Vs. Mode  - To play on foot in Vs. mode, earn a medal on Venom in Expert mode. 

Play with Tanks in Vs. Mode  -  To get Tanks in Vs. Mode, earn a medal on Venom. 

Power Up in Venom 2  -  To get 1 bomb, 3 gold rings, and 2 laser upgrades on Venom 2, in the the tunnels go: Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Right. 

Refuel in Sector Z  -  When you arrive at Sector Z and find out that you are low on energy, you can fly into the rear hanger of your mothership (the Great Fox.) You will be treated to a mini cut-scene of your Arwing diving into the ship and popping out the other side with your energy bar replenished. 

Secret Star Fox Art  -  Complete the game in Expert Mode and wait for the end of the credits. Depending on whether you went through Venom 1 or 2, you will get two different pieces of art. One is a picture of all the characters in the game's heads, the other is a cool portrait shot of the Star Fox team with the word "Great!" 

Sideways Loop  -  In all-range mode, if an enemy is chasing you, push and hold Z or R while pulling the big loop trick after you see the enemy pull in front of you. This works very well against the Star Wolf team.
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