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Nintendo Gamecube BioHazard: Zero Cheats, Codes, Hints, Tips and Walkthroughs
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Nintendo Gamecube Strategy Guides Canada:  Nintendo Gamecube BioHazard: Zero Official Games Strategy Guides Books
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Resident Evil 0 GameCube  FAQ/Walkthrough Written by CVXFREAK
BioHazard Zero: Trial Edition FAQ/Walkthrough - written by CVXFREAK
Resident Evil Zero A Boss FAQ - written by CVXFREAK
USA>  Resident Evil Zero Official Strategy Guide
Europe>  Resident Evil Zero Official Strategy Guide
Canada>  Resident Evil(R) Zero Official Strategy Guide

Note:  This cheat is also known as - Biohazard Zero

Alternate costumes:-  Successfully complete the game with any rank under the normal or hard difficulty settings. Start a new game. A Closet Key will appear in your inventory. Use it to unlock the closet in the room where the Hunting Gun was first found to access new costumes for Rebecca and Billy.

Completion bonuses:-  Successfully complete the game with a "B", "C", or "D" rank and unlock the Leech Hunter mini-game.

Successfully complete the game with a time between 3:31 and 5:00 for an "A" rank to unlock the Submachine Gun and Leech Hunter mini-game.

Successfully complete the game with a time of 3:30 or faster for an "S" rank to unlock the Rocket Launcher, Submachine gun, and Leech Hunter mini-game.

Leech Hunter mini-game bonuses:-  Successfully complete the Leech Hunter mini-game with one of the following ranks to unlock the corresponding bonus.

"A" rank: All weapons
"B" rank: Handgun
"C" rank: Hunting Gun
"D" rank: Magnum
"E" rank: Submachine Gun

Ending Bonuses:

Ranks n Prizes.

D:(9:01 or more) Leech Hunter and Closet Key
C:(7:01 - 9:00) Leech Hunter and Closet Key
B:(5:01 - 7:00) Leech Hunter and Closet Key
A:(3:31 - 5:00) Submachine Gun, Leech Hunter, Closet Key
S:(3:30 or less) Rocket Launcher, Submachine Gun, Leech Hunter, Closet Key

Better shotgun use - Once you get the shotgun, do not use it. Instead, leave it in the room with the scale you put the two figures on. Find, but do not pick up, lots of shotgun ammunition. After you save her from the pit, give all the hand gun ammunition to Billy and collect the shotgun ammunition. If you get it all, she will have about 60 rounds, which is much better than using two hand guns.

Brake system puzzle -The main code is 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 81. This should activate the brakes for the train.

Dail door number puzzle Enter [4863] on Disc 2, where the cable car is located.

Extra inventory slot When playing as Billy with Rebecca as the alternate character, have Billy hold all the pistol ammunition for both characters and keep her gun fully loaded. This gives you one free inventory

Fountain circle puzzle -When you get to the fountain circle with the six animal statues on Disc 1, use Billy to light the statues in the following order: Deer, Wolf, Horse, Lion, Snake, Eagle.

One hit kills - When playing as either Rebecca or Billy and you get bit by a zombie, move the character opposite of your main character directly behind the one you are controlling to have him or her shoot the zombie in the head and kill it in one hit, while the zombie deals you no damage.

Pause timed puzzles - Try to change to your partner during a timed puzzle. Remain idle at the error message to give yourself more time to study the puzzle.

Piano room - When you get to the piano room, make sure you have both characters with you. Have Billy play piano. A door will open by the bar. Have Rebecca go in and take the battery. The door will close. Have Billy play piano again and the door will open.

Kill bat without bullets - At the church run, past the bat then enter the save room. When you exit back out, you will find the bat dead.

Leech Hunter:

Finding the shotgun - When you are in the sewers, pick up the shotgun ammunition. Then, keep trying to pick up something and you will eventually find a shotgun.

Determining weapon - There is a way to determine if you will get the submachine gun or the magnum. Look at the two herbs in front of the stairs in front of you at the start of the mini-game. If the colors are blue and green, you will get the magnum. If the colors are green and green, you will get the submachine gun. The submachine gun can do what the magnum can and requires a lot less ammunition. Green and green is highly recommended.

If you want the magnum on the Leech Hunter mini-game, load your game on Disc 1 (only if you have passed the game once and have unlocked the Leech Hunter mini-game), then play the mini-game. You will see a Green Herb and a Blue Herb, indicating that the Magnum is there. If you want the Submachine gun, load your saved file with mini-game on Disc 2 and play the mini-game. You will see two Green Herbs, indicating that the Submachine gun is in the game.

Avoid Leech Zombie explosion - When you fight the Leech Zombie, its legs will swell up at the end and explode, hurting and often killing you or your partner. There are three ways to avoid this. First, just leave as his legs are swelling but before he explodes. The second is to use a Molotov cocktail on him, which will light him on fire and melt into a puddle of slime and leeches. The third way is to kill him while he is still in "human" form, which is best done with the magnum and has the end effect as the Molotov cocktail.

Once you get 95 leeches, zombies will start to come back to life. Collect the leeches in the mail hall, dining room, and the second floor room where you use the MO disc last so you do not get killed.

Extra Submachine gun ammunition - As soon as Leech Hunter starts, grab the first leech you see and run out. This will give you a clip to the machine gun.
Sent in by Craig Bailey - Simon Twin - Julia Y.

Cheating Device Codes:

Have Infinite Grenade Launcher   ZRVE-N0XQ-2GH2M  NR14-8FZ7-1AJQU  3NA2-DHVW-JQJ28
Infinite Health   EFXB-N759-T2TE5  0745-WBGQ-57J5Y
Infinite Health   02NJ-79E7-F0Y23  W516-EUXR-RAR1K
Have Infinite Grenade Launcher    HY6Z-J59T-R964E   UGP5-YYQ3-NP36P  MXUX-NH59-NJ9X4

Killing zombies:  With the shotgun, aim down to the zombie's leg and blow it away. He will fall. Then, take out the handgun and shoot him one more time.

Chess puzzle:  Look at the smaller chess board on the desk in front of the big one. Arrange the big pieces the same way. The difference is the only white piece by itself. Use Billy to push it down, to the right, and finally right in front of the black piece. The desk will now open.

Animal puzzle:  The solution for the animal puzzle is Deer, Wolf, Horse, Lion, Snake, Eagle.

Pause timed puzzles:  Try to change to your partner during a timed puzzle. Remain idle at the error message to give yourself more time to study the puzzle.

Longer life:  When you start the game as Rebecca, get to the point where you meet Billy. He will say that they need to cooperate. When Billy joins you on your mission, it is best if you have him in control at all times. Because he has stronger defense and will not get damaged as fast as Rebecca. Note: This works in all modes.

Custom handgun:  When you are in the draining room in the facility basement, you will find the Duralumin case. You have to enter a code, which is 385. The case will open and you will find handgun parts. Combine these with Billy's handgun for a more efficient handgun.

Better shotgun use:  Once you get the shotgun, do not use it. Instead, leave it in the room with the scale you put the two figures on. Find, but do not pick up, lots of shotgun ammunition. After you save her from the pit, give all the hand gun ammunition to Billy and collect the shotgun ammunition. If you get it all, she will have about 60 rounds, which is much better than using two hand guns.

Safer and faster shotgun reload:  To reload the shot gun faster, press Y to go to the item screen. Combine the shotgun ammunition with the shotgun. You will be able to attack again without having Billy or Rebecca reload and waste precious time.

Saving ammunition:  Equip the handguns to both Rebecca and Billy. Control Billy. When you see a zombie, shoot him until he falls, but do not kill him. Then, equip the pocket knife and kill the zombie with it. This will save about two to five bullets each time.

Save ammunition on first Leech zombie on the train:  After the sequence with the first Leech zombie, just go back downstairs and the intermission sequence will take place again.

Items:  In the train there are items. If you do not need them, select them but do not take them. When the train crashes, items will be scattered around the wreck. Those are the items that you selected. The items not selected will disappear. This is very important if playing under the hard difficulty setting.

Run through a door when it is swelling. Make sure that nothing is attacking you or your partner when doing this, Return to the room and there will be no extra leeches will no one hurt.

Easy Leech Zombies kills in hard mode:  From the beginning of the game onward, you will find a lot of empty bottles. Do not ignore them. Pick them up and combine them with the gas can for the Molotov cocktails. Two of these will take out a Leech Zombie. Also, it will not explode as usual; you no longer need to run away. It will also kill a zombie with one hit or two zombies at once if you hit directly between both of them. Note: This weapon can harm you or your partner if thrown too closely.

Resident Evil 2 areas:  When you eventually get onto the moving cable car, after Billy is taken over the railing by an ape, go across the ravine and head up the pair of steps. You will enter a big room with a metal floor. This is the same area in Resident Evil 2, where you call up the platform train to head down into the main factory (and where you fight a stronger version of the William Birkin mutations). If you go towards the bottom of the screen and go down the lift and into the back room, you will find a television screen with a picture of a Tyrant. This is the same room where you see Mr. X walking towards the camera before smashing it. If you call up the platform and take it down, you will enter the factory sub-levels and walk into the room where Leon/Claire had to carry Ada/Shelly to the security room.

Hard mode:  Use the following tips to complete the game in hard mode.

Use Billy all the time. He can take much more damage than Rebecca.

Leave Rebecca in the main hall. She just uses up ammunition and first aids. However, bring her the plants to mix for you.

Use a custom handgun, or if you dare, a knife to kill the tyrant. It is easy to run circles around him and shoot him in the head, or use the knife. It may require about 30 shots with the custom handgun to kill one.

Use the Magnum ammunition for the last Boss only.

Do not use the Pump Action Shotgun. It is weak. The Hunting Gun does more damage. Get it on the train and keep it.

Use Herbs only if you are really hurt bad.

Use Fire Grenades on the Leech People.

Use your Molotov Cocktails on the final Boss' third form, Tyrant, or Leech People.

Sometimes you can run pass the hunters and out the room without wasting ammunition, such as when you get the up key. The same goes for the Leech People. They are too slow if you use one person to run past them.

Leech Hunter mini-game bonuses:  Successfully complete the Leech Hunter mini-game with one of the following ranks to unlock the corresponding bonus.

"A" rank: Unlimited ammunition for any weapon
"B" rank: Magnum
"C" rank: Hunting Gun
"D" rank: Handgun
"E" rank: Submachine Gun

Leech Hunter: Collecting Leeches:  While playing the Leech Hunter mini-game, kill everything in the Mansion, Train Tunnel, and Basement before picking up any of the leeches. Once you pick one up, you cannot put it down. Each player can find a maximum number of 50 leeches (100 total leaches in the game). One item slot can only hold 10 leeches only -- be careful.

Once you get 95 leeches, zombies will start to come back to life. Collect the leeches in the mail hall, dining room, and the second floor room where you use the MO disc last so you do not get killed.

An easy way to complete Leech Hunter mode is to go through and kill all the enemies first, then return and collect the leeches. Note: Collect the leeches in the Basement area first to avoid the risk of revived Zombies.

In the far back of the kitchen are two leeches (a blue and green one). They are difficult to see at first.

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