Cheats Codes and Walkthroughs for Nintendo Game Boy Color: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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GameBoy Color Pokemon Silver Cheats, Codes, Hints, Tips and Walkthroughs
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Nintendo Game Boy Color Strategy Guides Canada:  Game Boy Color Pokemon Silver Official Games Strategy Guides Books
UK:           Game Boy Color Pokemon Silver Official Games Strategy Guides Books
USA:         Game Boy Color Pokemon Silver Official Games Strategy Guides Books
Pokemon Ability FAQ - By LightRanma
Pokemon Boss FAQ By LightRanm
USA>  Pokemon Complete Animation Guide
Europe>  Pokemon Complete Pokedex (Official Strategy Guide)
Canada>  Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal Official Strategy Guide
USA>  Pokemon Future: The Unauthorized Guide
Europe>  Pokemon Future Strategy Guide
Canada>  Pokemon Fever- The Unauthorized Guide
USA>  Pokemon Future: The Unauthorized Guide
Europe>  Pokemon Future Strategy Guide
Canada>  Pokemon Future- The Unauthorized Guide
USA>  Pokemon Gym Challenge Stragety Guide- Trading Card Game
Europe>  Pokemon Gym Challenge Strategy Guide
Canada>  Pokemon Gym Challenge Strategy Guide
USA>  Pokemon Player Pocket Guide
Europe>  Pokeman Player Pocket Guide
Canada>  Pokemon Player Pocket Guide
USA>  Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal: Official Strategy Guide
Europe>  Pokemon Compendium: Official Strategy Guide
Canada>  Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal Official Strategy Guide
USA>  Pokemon Trainer's Guide - Official Strategy Guide
Europe>  Pokemon Trainer's Survival Guide: Official Strategy Guide
Canada>  Pokemon Trainer's Guide - Official Strategy Guide
Cheat code: 
Send in by Philan Policar
Climb Trees: Cut a tree and go at the top of it. Save the game and turn off the power. When you turn the power on you will be at the top of the tree. Duplicate items or Pokemon: Give the Pokemon you want to duplicate any item you also want to duplicate then deposit the Pokemon. Change box when it says SAVING DON'T TURN OFF....Turn the power off. When you turn on the power you will find 1 Pokemon you duplicated in your hand and 1 in your PC (the Pokemon is holding the item which is also duplicated).

Copy pokemon:
Go to the pc and then to Bill''s pc. Change the box to a one that is empty, then change the box to any other box. When it says saveing turn off the Game Boy. When you turn it on again your Pokemon will be with you and the same pokemon in the pc to. Then save the game so you can copy it multipul times.

Duplicate item/pokemon:
Go to bills pc and deposit any pokemon you wish to clone and make sure it is holding an item you want to clone. Now change boxes and when it says "saving don''t turn off power" turn off the power. Now turn the power on and check your party. You will have the pokemon you deposited along with the item you made it hold. check bills pc and you will have the same pokemon. Make sure you don''t withdraw any pokemon or that pokemon
will be deleted when the game is turned back on.

Duplicating poke''mon:
Have the poke''mon you want to duplicate out as one of the top six poke''mon.(In your party.) Put the poke''mon you want to duplicate in your pc. Then, switch into a poke''mon box with no poke''mon in it. Save the game and when it says don''t turn it off,turn it off. After that, you should have the poke''mon you duplicated with you as one of your top six and another copy of the same poke''mon with the same stats in the poke''mon box you choose with no poke''mon inside it.

Get 2 Master balls:
To get one master ball you must get one from proffesor Elm and the second one you have to get by winning the lucky channel''s radio contest.

Get Cyboreon:
To get Cyboreon train your eevee that Bill gave you and let it evolve to espeon at level 50. Now go to Celadon City and buy a female eevee. train it and let it evolve to umbreon at level 50. Now take them both to the daycare people and give the old man your espeon and the lady your umbreon. Go out and battle for a few hours and come back to the daycare. You should have an egg waiting for you. Now go and deposit three of your pokemon and get the egg, umbreon, and espeon. Walk about 10,000 steps or more and the egg should hatch.
when it hatches it should know the males attacks or the females. Now train it to level 50 but don''t let it evolve. When its at level 50 use the moon stone on it. Make sure eevee doesn''t go over level 50 or this cheat won''t work. It should evolve into Cyboreon.

Get serebi:
Go to the ''Ruins of Alf'' and catch all 26 unowns in alphabetical order from a-z. When all of them 
are captured in order go to the man in the house at the ruins he will open a door for you. Go in and you''ll find Serebi the 251st pokemon.

Catch all 251 pokemon. Then go to proffessor Oak and talk to him. He will send you to Red''s mom. She will call for Red. Red will arive and will bring you into another battle. He will only have 1 pokemon. It will be MewThree. If you beat him he will give him to you.

Silver HootHoot:
At 8:54 use a max repel and fly to cinawood go in the gym and talk to the gym leader. If it''s not still 8:54 this won''t work. He''s just a fake doll you''ll push him over and find stairs behind him. Go down theres the gym leader playing with a S.HootHoot.

Get Buruki 
Go to the city with the fourth gym. Then, go inside the second cave, turn to the right and Surf. Go to the top and enter the other cave that is there. Make your way around the mazes and talk to the karate character that is there. Defeat him and you will get Buruki. Make sure you have an open space in your Pokemon holder. 
Get Denryuu 
If you want a Pokemon rumored to be a pre evolution of Dratini (Denryuu), do not try to devolve Dratini. Instead, go to the route after Kickyou City towards the Connection Cave, and try to capture the electric sheep, Meripu. Let it grow to level 15. It will evolve into a pink sheep. Train it to level 30 to get Denryuu. 

Get Gold Gyarados 
Go to the fourth gym and surf to the right all the way. In the water you should see a Gyarados. Battle it, and it will be golden. 

Get Gold Magikarp 
Breed the golden Gyarados with a regular Gyarados to get a golden Magikarp. 

Get Haganal 
Equip the metal coat on Onix and trade it to another GameBoy. It will evolve into Haganal. 

Get Hou-Hou (Gold version) 
Go to the city with the fourth gym. Then, go inside the house with another house beside it. Climb up and enter the other big house. Climb up until you get to Hou-Hou. 

Get Hou-Hou (Silver version) 
Go to Pewter City and talk to the old man that walks around. He will give you a gold feather. Then, go to the place where Hou-Hou is located in the Gold version to find it. 

Get Kingdra 
Equip Seadra with the Symbol of King, and then trade it. 

Get Kirehana 
Give Gloom a Solar Stone and it will evolve into Kirehana. You cannot evolve Kirehana into Vileploom. 

Get Lapras 
Enter the cave in the second city and surf. You should be able to see Lapras. There is only one. 

Get Lugia (Silver version) 
Learn HM06 (Whirlpool) and go to the place where you received the fifth badge. Destroy a whirlpool and enter the cave. Go through the maze and you will reach Lugia. 

Get Lugia (Gold version) 
Go to Pewter City and talk to the old man. He will give you a silver feather. Then, go to the place where Lugia is located in the Gold version to find it. 

Get Muchuru 
Breed Jynx with anything that has the same symbol while looking at your party to get Muchuru. 

Pikachu special attack 
Transfer a Pikachu from Pokemon Yellow into the game. It should have an item directly translated to "Electric Ball". Equip it to any Pikachu, and its special attack will double. 

Get Silver Ryhorn 
Go to the cave where you go to get to the Elite Five. You should encounter a Silver Ryhorn. 

Get Slowking 
Equip Slowpoke with the Symbol of King, and then trade it. 

Find three legendary dogs 
Go to the city with the fourth gym and enter the big house. Break the rocks and fall down one of the holes to wake them up. Then, go outside and try to find them in the wild. 

Get Togepi 
Defeat the first gym and go into the Pokecenter. Talk to the scientist and he will give you a egg. After 5,000 steps, it will hatch into Togepi. 

Get Yadoking 
Equip King's Symbol on Slowpoke and trade it into another GameBoy. It will evolve into Yadoking. 

Get female Mr. Mime (Gold version) 
Go to Saffron City before fighting Sabrina. Challenge Sabrina to discover that her Mr. Mime is female. 

Enjyu City battle (Gold version) 
When you go to Enjyu City, go to the tower and your rival will appear, but will not battle. However, if you first heal your Pokemon at the Pokecenter, defeat the Ghost Gym Leader, and then go to that tower, your rival will talk to you and fight. 

Monorail ticket 
Go to Saffron City and talk to the girl copycat. Fly to Vermilion City and talk to everyone in the house where you received the bike voucher. Someone will give you the Clefairy doll. Take it to the copycat to get the monorail ticket. 

Metal coat 
Collect all eight badges, then talk to Professor Utigi (the person from the start of the game). He will give you the S.S. Anne ticket. Go to the city where the Gym Leader was first not there. Go inside the house at the shore, the person will let you go through, and you will be on the S.S. Anne. You will meet a man that wants you to find his daughter on the ship. You can find her with the captain. Return her to her father, then go back and talk to the captain to receive the metal coat. 

King's Symbol 
Go to the town where you had to rescue the Slowpokes from the Rockets. Enter the cave where you got the Slowpokes from the two Rockets. Use Strength and push the boulder, then Surf in the pond. Find the ladder, go to it, and Surf. Talk to everyone there in that part of the cave. Someone will give you the King's Symbol. 

Annon Pokedex 
First, solve the Kabuto puzzle. The rest will require the HM for surf, found in Enjyu City, TM 08 (Rock Breaker), and the HM for Strength. Surf down by the Ancient Ruins (below Kickyou City) and solve the puzzle there. The puzzles should be somewhat easy. Just put in the corner pieces first. Then, go to the Connection Cave. Walk around and find the Pokemaniac. If you have not defeated him, fight him. Then, surf in the waters near him. You will have to return here twice. Break the rock you find, and solve the puzzle. Then return, move the boulder, and solve the last puzzle. Catch the different Annon, then exit the ruins. Talk to the scientist near the cave and he will give you a complimentary Annon Pokedex. 

Anno'un Music 
While in the Alpha Ruins southeast of Kikyou city go to the Pokegear option in the menu screen. Go to the radio option and on the fourteenth to the twentieth channel you can find a station called ??????. That is the Ann'oun Music. It can only be heard at Alpha Ruins. 

Infinite Nuts, Ant. Nuts, or Conf. Nuts 
Go to the plant with the desired nut and take the nut. Call someone (it does not matter who), then take another nut. You can do this as many times as needed. 

Breeding Pokemon 
You cannot breed every type of Pokemon, although some are male or female (like Mewtwos). They still cannot be bred together. 

Clone Pokemon 
Put the Pokemon to be cloned in your group, then deposit it in box 5. Save your game. Go to box 6 and save the game again. In box 5 your group will now have the two Pokemon that were cloned. 

Breed without the other half 
You do not need another of the same Pokemon to breed. Get the Pokemon you want to breed and put it as male or female. Get Ditto, place it with the male or female, and let the breeding begin. 

Items from Time Capsule Pokemon 
When you use the Time Capsule to trade with the other Pokemon games, every Pokemon that comes from the Red, Blue, or Yellow versions will have an item equipped with them. Some will just have berries, but others have better things. 

Defeating Ash 
Create a Pokemon team with different types; grass, psychic, devil, fire, water, and steel recommended. Each Pokemon should be level 65 or higher. If not, make sure you have a large amount of Hyper Potions and Revives. 

Starting Pokemon 
Select one of the following to get your first Pokemon: 
Chickorita (Chicorita) -.- a grass type, like Bulbasaur. 
Tododile (Waninoko)-.- a water type, like Squirtle. 
Cyndaquil (Hinorashi)-.- a fire type, like Charmander. 

Breeding evolution 
Breed two Pikachus to get Pichu. 
Breed two Electabuzzes and you get Eleckid. 
Breed two Clefairies and you get Pi. 
Breed two Jigglypuffs and you get Pipurin. 
Breed two Magmars and you get Magar. 

Orange League Trainer tactics (Gold version) 
Use the following Pokemon types to battle the indicated trainer (in italics) and his Pokemon: 

Neiteio -.- use psychic or fire type 
Slowbro -.- use psychic type 
Neiteio -.- use psychic or fire type 
Jynx -.- use psychic type 
Exeggutor -- use Fire type 

Araidosu -.- use psychic or fire type 
Venomoth -.- use fire type 
Muk -.- use psychic type 
Kuroba -.- use psychic or fire type 
Fuoretosu -.- use psychic or fire type 

Kaporea -.- use psychic or grass type 
Hitmonchan -.- use psychic type 
Hitmonlee -.- use psychic type 
Machamp -.- use psychic type 
Onix -.- use Grass type 

Burakki -.- use psychic or fire type 
Vileplume -.- use fire type 
Gengar -.- use psychic type 
Yamikarasu -.- use psychic or fire type 
Heruga -.- use psychic or fire type 

Gyrados -.- use grass type 
Dragonite -.- use electric type 
Dragonite -.- use electric type 
Dragonite -.- use electric type 
Aerodactyl -.- use grass type 
Charizard -.- use water type 

Gym Leader tactics (Gold version) 
Use the following Pokemon types to battle the indicated Gym Leaders: 

Hayato (for Wind Badge) 
Pidgey -.- use electric type 
Pidgeotto -.- use electric type 

Unknown (for Insect Badge) 
Metapod -.- use fire type 
Kakuna -.- use fire type 
Scyther -.- use fire type 

Akane (for Normal Badge) 
Clefairy -.- use psychic type 
Mirutanku -.- use psychic type 

Unknown (for Phantom Badge) 
Ghastly -.- use psychic type 
Haunter -.- use psychic type 
Gengar -.- use psychic type 
Haunter -.- use psychic type 

Unknown (for Shock Badge) 
Primeape -.- use psychic type 
Poliwrath -.- use grass type 

Mikan (for Steel Badge) 
Magnemite -.- use fighting type 
Magnemite -.- use fighting type 
Haganail -.- use fighting type 

Unknown (for Ice Badge) 
Seel -.- use electric type 
Dewgong -.- use electric type 
Inomu -.- use electric type 

Ibuki (for Raging Badge) 
Dragonair -.- use fire type 
Dragonair -.- use fire type 
Kingudora -.- use fire type 
Dragonite -.- use fire type 

Lt. Surge (for Orange Badge) 
Raichu -.- use fighting type 
Magneton -.- use fighting type 
Electabuzz -.- use fighting type 
Electrode -.- use fighting type 
Electrode -.- use fighting type 

Sabrina (for Gold Badge) 
Mr.Mime -.- use psychic type 
Alakazam -.- use psychic type 
Eifi -.- use psychic type 

Erika (for Rainbow Badge) 
Tangela -.- use fire type 
Victreebell -.- use fire type 
Vileplume -.- use fire type 
Unknown -.- use fire type 

Anzu (for unknown badge) 
Kurobatto -.- use psychic or fire type 
Ariadosu -.- use psychic or fire type 
Weezing -.- use psychic type 
Weezing -.- use psychic type 
Venomoth -.- use fire type 

Brock (for unknown badge) 
Graveler -.- use grass type 
Onix -.- use grass type 
Rhyhorn -.- use grass type 
Omastar -.- use grass type 
Kabutops -.- use grass type 

Blane (for unknown badge) 
Magakarugo -.- use water type 
Rapidash -.- use water type 
Magmar -.- use water type 

Gary (for unknown badge) 
Pidgeot -.- use electric type 
Alakazam -.- use psychic type 
Exeguttor -.- use fire type 
Rhydon -.- use grass type 
Arcanine -.- use water type 

Ash Ketchum (Final battle for bragging rights) 
Pikachu -.- use fighting type 
Efi -.- use psychic type 
Blastiose -.- use electric type 
Venusaur -.- use fire type 
Charizard -.- use water type 
Snorlax -.- use fighting type 

Game Shark Codes
(You need ver. 2.1 or higher)

Fight A Egg

Skill Modifier
Replace xx with: 02 - Karate Chop 03 - Double Slap 04 - Comet Punch 05 - Mega Punch 06 - Pay Day 07 - Fire Punch 08 - Ice Punch 09 - Thunder Punch 0A - Scratch 0B - Vice Grip 0C - Guillotine 0D - Razor Wind 0E - Swords Dance 0F - Cut 10 - Gust 11 - Wing Attack 12 - Whirl Wind 13 - Fly 14 - Bird 15 - Slam 16 - Vine Whip 17 - Stomp 18 - Double Kick 19 - Mega Kick 1A - Jump Kick 1B - Rolling Kick 1C - Sand Attack 1D - Head Butt 1E - Horn Attack 1F - Fury Attack 20 - Horn Drill 21 - Tackle 22 - Body Slam 23 - Wrap 24 - Take Down 25 - Thrash 26 - Double Edge 27 - Tail Whip 28 - Poison Sting 29 - Twin Edle 2A - Pin Missile 2B - Leer 2C - Bite 2D - Growl 2E - Roar 2F - Sing 30 - Supersonic 31 - Sonicboom 32 - Disable 33 - Acid 34 - Ember 35 - Flamethrower 36 - Mist 37 - Water Gun 38 - Hydro Pump 39 - Surf 3A - Ice Beam 3B - Blizzard 3C - Psybeam 3D - Bubblebeam 3E - Aurora Beam 3F - Hyper Beam 40 - Peck 41 - Drill Peck 42 - Submission 43 - Low Kick 44 - Counter 45 - Seismic Toss 46 - Strength 47 - Absorb 48 - Mega Drain 49 - Leech Seed 4A - Growth 4B - Razor Leaf 4C - Solar Beam 4D - Poisonpowder 4E - Stun Spore 4F - Sleep Powder 50 - Petal Dance 51 - String Shot 52 - Dragon Rage 53 - Fire Spin 54 - Thundershock 55 - Thunderbolt 56 - Thunder Wave 57 - Thunder 58 - Rock Throw 59 - Earthquake 5A - Fissure 5B - Dig 5C - Toxic 5D - Confusion 5E - Psychic 5F - Hypnosis 60 - Meditate 61 - Agility 62 - Quick Attack 63 - Rage 64 - Teleport 65 - Night Shade 66 - Mimic 67 - Screech 68 - Double Team 69 - Recover 6A - Harden 6B - Minimize 6C - Smoke Screen 6D - Confuse Ray 6E - Withdraw 6F - Defense Curl 70 - Barrier 71 - Light Screen 72 - Haze 73 - Reflect 74 - Focus Energy 75 - Hide 76 - Metronome 77 - Mirror Move 78 - Selfdestruct 79 - Egg Bomb 7A - Lick 7B - Smog 7C - Sludge 7D - Bone Club 7E - Fire Blast 7F - Waterfall 80 - Clamp 81 - Swift 82 - Skull Bash 83 - Spike Cannon 84 - Constrict 85 - Amnesia 86 - Kinesis 87 - Softboiled 88 - Hi Jump Kick 89 
- Glare 8A - Dream Eater 8B - Poison Gas 8C - Barrage 8D - Leech Life 8E - Lovely Kiss 8F - Sky Attack 90 - Transform 91 - Bubble 92 - Dizzy Punch 93 - Spore 94 - Flash 95 - Psywave 96 - Splash 97 - Acid Armor 98 - Crabhammer 99 - Exposion 9A - Fury Swipes 9B - Bonemerang 9C - Rest 9D - Rock Slide 9E - Hyper Fang 9F - Sharpen A0 - Conversion A1 - Tri Attack A2 - Super Fang A3 - Slash A4 - Substitute A5 - Struggle A6 - Sketch A7 - Triple Kick A8 - Thief A9 - Spider Web AA - Mind Reader AB - Nightmare AC - Flame Wheel AD - Snore AE - Curse AF - Flail B0 - Conversion2 B1 - Aeroblast B2 - Cotton Spore B3 - Reversal B4 - Spite B5 - Powder Snow B6 - Protect B7 - Mach Punch B8 - Scary Face B9 - Faint Attack BA - Sweet Kiss BB - Belly Drum BC - Sludge Bomb BD - Mud - Slap BE - Octazooka BF - Spikes C0 - Zap Cannon C1 - Foresight C2 - Destiny Bond C3 - Perish Song C4 - Icy Wind C5 - Detect C6 - Bone Rush C7 - Lock - On C8 - Outrage C9 - Sandstorm CA - Giga Drain CB - Endure CC - Charm CD - Rollout CE - False Swipe CF - Swagger D0 - Milk Drink D1 - Spark D2 - Fury Cutter D3 - Steel Wing D4 - Mean Look D5 - Attract D6 - Sleep Talk D7 - Heal Bell D8 - Return D9 - Present DA - Frustration DB - Safeguard DC - Pain Split DD - Sacred Fire DE - Magnitude DF - Dynamicpunch E0 - Megahorn E1 - Dragonbreath E2 - Baton Pass E3 - Encore E4 - Pursuit E5 - Rapid Spin E6 - Sweet Scent E7 - Iron Tail E8 - Metal Claw E9 - Vital Throw EA - Morning Sun EB - Synthesis EC - Moonlight ED 
- Hidden Power EE - Cross Chop EF - Twister F0 - Rain Dance F1 - Sunny Day F2 - Crunch F3 - Mirror Coat F4 - Psych Up F5 - Extremespeed F6 - Ancientpower F7 - Shadow Ball F8 - Future Sight F9 - Rock Smash FA - Whirlpool FB - Beat Up 

Make Any Pokemon Breed

Walk Through Anything  -  Use At Your Own Risk! Code will sometimes cause your game to reset, and the screen get all glichy. Make sure you turn off the GameShark when you want to walk into a building or through a door. 

Catch Champion/Different Color/Sparkly Pokemon 

Catch a Shinny Pokemon

Have All Badges!
Level 0 All Pokemon You Fight

One Hit Enemy Kills!
Love, Lik 

Pokemon Max Level 
Pokemon in slots 1 thru 6 

Catch Any Pokemon
Replace xx with: 01: Bulbasaur 02: Ivysaur 03: Venusaur 04: Charmander 05: Charmeleon 06: Charizard 07: Squirtle 08: Wartortle 09: Blastoise 0A: Caterpie 0B: Metapod 0C: Butterfree 0D: Weedle 0E: Kakuna 0F: Beedrill 10: Pidgey 11: Pidgeotto 12: Pidgeot 13: Rattata 14: Raticate 15: Spearow 16: Fearow 17: Ekans 18: Arbok 19: Pikachu 1A: Raichu 1B: Sandshrew 1C: Sandslash 1D: Nidoran Female 1E: Nidorina 1F: Nidoqueen 20: Nidoran Male 21: Nidorino 22: nidoking 23: Clefairy 24: Clefable 25: Vulpix 26: Ninetails 27: Jigglypuff 28: Wigglytuff 29: Zubat 2A: Golbat 2B: Oddish 2C: Gloom 2D: Vileplume 2E: Paras 2F: Parasect 30: Venonat 31: Venomoth 32: Diglett 33: Dugtrio 34: Meowth 35: Persian 36: Psyduck 37: Golduck 38: Mankey 39: Primeape 3a: Growlithe 3b: Arcanine 3c: Poliwag 3d: Poliwhirl 3e: Poliwrath 3f: Abra 40: Kadabra 41: Alakazam 42: Machop 43: Machoke 44: Machamp 45: Bellsprout 46: Weepinbell 47: Victreebell 48: Tentacool 49: Tentacruel 4A: Geodude 4B: Graveler 4C: Golem 4D: Ponyta 4E: Rapidash 4F: Slowpoke 50: Slowbro 51: Magnemite 52: Magneton 53: Farfetch'd 54: Doduo 55: Dodrio 56: Seel 57: Dewgong 58: Grimer 59: Muk 5A: Shellder 5B: Cloyster 5C: Gastly 5D: Haunter 5E: Gengar 5F: Onix 60: Drowzee 61: Hypno 62: Krabby 63: Kingler 64: Voltorb 65: Electrode 66: Exeggcute 67: Exeggcutor 68: Cubone 69: Marowak 6A: Hitmonlee 6B: Hitmonchan 6C: Lickitung 6D: Koffing 6E: Weezing 6F: Rhyhorn 70: Rhydon 71: Chansey 72: Tangela 73: Kangaskhan 74: Horsea 75: Seadra 76: Goldeen 77: Seaking 78: Staryu 79: Starmie 7A: Mr. Mime 7B: Scyther 7C: Jynx 7D: Electabuzz 7E: Magmar 7F: Pinsir 80: Tauros 81: Magikarp 82: Gyarados 83: Lapras 84: Ditto 85: Eevee 86: Vaporeon 87: Jolteon 88: Flareon 89: Porygon 8A: Omanyte 8B: Omastar 8C: Kabuto 8D: Kabutops 8E: Aerodactyl 8F: Snorlax 90: Articuno 91: Zapdos 92: Moltres 93: Dratini 94: Dragonair 95: Dragonite 96: Mewtwo 97: Mew 98: Chikorita 99: Beifru 9A: Meganiumi 9B: Hinorashi 9C: Magnumarashi 9D: Bakufun 9E: Waninoko 9F: Arigeitsu A0: Odairu A1: Otachi A2: Ootachi A3: Hoho A4: Yorunozuku A5: Redeiba A6: Redeian A7: Itomaru A8: Araidosu A9: Kuroba Aa: Choncchi Ab: Rantan Ac: Pichu Ad: Pi Ae: Pupurin Af: Togepi B0: Togechikku B1: Neitei B2: Neiteio B3: Meripu B4: Mokoko B5: Denryuu B6: Kirehana B7: Marill B8: Mariruri B9: Usokki BA: Myorotono BB: Hanekko BC: Popokko BD: Watakko BE: Eipamu BF: Himanattsu C0: Kimawari C1: Yanyanma C2: Upa C3: Nuo C4: Eifi C5: Burakki C6: Yamikarasu C7: Slowking C8: Muuma C9: Annon (can show up in any form) CA: Sonansu CB: Kinriki CC: Kunugidama CD: Fuoretosu CE: Nokocchi CF: Guraiga D0: Haganeru D1: Snubble D2: Guranburu D3: Harisen D4: Hassamu D5: Tsubotsubo D6: Herakuroso D7: Nyura D8: Himeguma D9: Ringuma DA: 
Magumaggu DB: Magumarakarugo DC: Urimu DD: Inomu DE: Sanigo DF: Teppouo E0: Okutan E1: Dribado E2: Maintain E3: Eamudo E4: Derubiru E5: Heruga E6: Kingudoru E7: Gomazou E8: Donphan E9: Porygon2 EA: Odushishi EB: Doburu EC: Baruki ED: Kapoera EE: Muchura EF: Elekid F0: Bubii F1: Mirutanku F2: Hapinasu F3: Raiku F4: Entei F5: Suikun F6: Yogirasu F7: Sanagirasu F8: Bangirasu F9: Lugia FA: Houou FB: Serebii 

Always On Bike!
Love, Lik 

Max Level
Pokemon in 1st slot 

Enable Scolling for Items  -  This code MUST BE ON for the Item Modifier codes. Enter the code so you will be able to scroll down to all of the items, makes sure you use 12 items. 

No Random Battles

Enable Scrolling for Balls  -  This code MUST BE ON for the Balls Modifier codes. Enter the code so you will be able to scroll down to all of the items, makes sure you use 12 balls. 

Max Balls
Starts with 1st thru 12th slot 

Max HP
Pokemon in 1st slot 

Pokemon Modifier
Pokemon in Slot 1 xx= 01: Bulbasaur 02: Ivysaur 03: Venusaur 04: Charmander 05: Charmeleon 06: Charizard 07: Squirtle 08: Wartortle 09: Blastoise 0A: Caterpie 0B: Metapod 0C: Butterfree 0D: Weedle 0E: Kakuna 0F: Beedrill 10: Pidgey 11: Pidgeotto 12: Pidgeot 13: Rattata 14: Raticate 15: Spearow 16: Fearow 17: Ekans 18: Arbok 19: Pikachu 1A: Raichu 1B: Sandshrew 1C: Sandslash 1D: Nidoran Female 1E: Nidorina 1F: Nidoqueen 20: Nidoran Male 21: Nidorino 22: nidoking 23: Clefairy 24: Clefable 25: Vulpix 26: Ninetails 27: Jigglypuff 28: Wigglytuff 29: Zubat 2A: Golbat 2B: Oddish 2C: Gloom 2D: Vileplume 2E: Paras 2F: Parasect 30: Venonat 31: Venomoth 32: Diglett 33: Dugtrio 34: Meowth 35: Persian 36: Psyduck 37: Golduck 38: Mankey 39: Primeape 3a: Growlithe 
3b: Arcanine 3c: Poliwag 3d: Poliwhirl 3e: Poliwrath 3f: Abra 40: Kadabra 41: Alakazam 42: Machop 43: Machoke 44: Machamp 45: Bellsprout 46: Weepinbell 47: Victreebell 48: Tentacool 49: Tentacruel 4A: Geodude 4B: Graveler 4C: Golem 4D: Ponyta 4E: Rapidash 4F: Slowpoke 50: Slowbro 51: Magnemite 52: Magneton 53: Farfetch'd 54: Doduo 55: Dodrio 56: Seel 57: Dewgong 58: Grimer 59: Muk 5A: Shellder 5B: Cloyster 5C: Gastly 5D: Haunter 5E: Gengar 5F: Onix 60: Drowzee 61: Hypno 62: Krabby 63: Kingler 64: Voltorb 65: Electrode 66: Exeggcute 67: Exeggcutor 68: Cubone 69: Marowak 6A: Hitmonlee 6B: Hitmonchan 6C: Lickitung 6D: Koffing 6E: Weezing 6F: Rhyhorn 70: Rhydon 71: Chansey 72: Tangela 73: Kangaskhan 74: Horsea 75: Seadra 76: Goldeen 77: Seaking 78: Staryu 79: Starmie 7A: Mr. Mime 7B: Scyther 7C: Jynx 7D: Electabuzz 7E: Magmar 7F: Pinsir 80: Tauros 81: Magikarp 82: Gyarados 83: Lapras 84: Ditto 85: Eevee 86: Vaporeon 87: Jolteon 88: Flareon 89: Porygon 8A: Omanyte 8B: Omastar 8C: 
Kabuto 8D: Kabutops 8E: Aerodactyl 8F: Snorlax 90: Articuno 91: Zapdos 92: Moltres 93: Dratini 94: Dragonair 95: Dragonite 96: Mewtwo 97: Mew 98: Chikorita 99: Beifru 9A: Meganiumi 9B: Hinorashi 9C: Magnumarashi 9D: Bakufun 9E: Waninoko 9F: Arigeitsu A0: Odairu A1: Otachi A2: Ootachi A3: Hoho A4: Yorunozuku A5: Redeiba A6: Redeian A7: Itomaru A8: Araidosu A9: Kuroba Aa: Choncchi Ab: Rantan Ac: Pichu Ad: Pi Ae: Pupurin Af: Togepi B0: Togechikku B1: Neitei B2: Neiteio B3: Meripu B4: Mokoko B5: 
Denryuu B6: Kirehana B7: Marill B8: Mariruri B9: Usokki BA: Myorotono BB: Hanekko BC: Popokko BD: Watakko BE: Eipamu BF: Himanattsu C0: Kimawari C1: Yanyanma C2: Upa C3: Nuo C4: Eifi C5: Burakki C6: Yamikarasu C7: Slowking C8: Muuma C9: Annon (can show up in any form) CA: Sonansu CB: Kinriki CC: Kunugidama CD: Fuoretosu CE: Nokocchi CF: Guraiga D0: Haganeru D1: Snubble D2: Guranburu D3: Harisen D4: Hassamu D5: Tsubotsubo D6: Herakuroso D7: Nyura D8: Himeguma D9: Ringuma DA: 
Magumaggu DB: Magumarakarugo DC: Urimu DD: Inomu DE: Sanigo DF: Teppouo E0: Okutan E1: Dribado E2: Maintain E3: Eamudo E4: Derubiru E5: Heruga E6: Kingudoru E7: Gomazou E8: Donphan E9: Porygon2 EA: Odushishi EB: Doburu EC: Baruki ED: Kapoera EE: Muchura EF: Elekid F0: Bubii F1: Mirutanku F2: Hapinasu F3: Raiku F4: Entei F5: Suikun F6: Yogirasu F7: Sanagirasu F8: Bangirasu F9: Lugia FA: Houou FB: Serebii 

Max Items
Starts from slot 1 to 12 
0163b9d5  0163bbd5  0163bdd5  0163bfd5  0163c1d5  0163c3d5  0163c5d5  0163c7d5  0163c9d5  0163cbd5  0163cdd5  0163cfd5

Item Modifier
Replace xx with: 01 Master Balls 02 Ultra Ball 03 Bright Powder 04 Great Ball 05 Poke Ball 06 Tera Suma 07 Bicycle 08 Moon Stone 09 Antidote 0a Burn Heal 0b Ice Heal 0c Awakening 0d Parlyz Heal 0e Full Restore 0f Max Potion 10 Hyper Potion 11 Super Potion 12 Potion 13 Escape Rope 14 Repel 15 Max Elixer 16 Fire Stone 17 Thunder Stone 18 Water Stone 1a HP Up 1b Protien 1c Iron 1d Carbos 1e Lucky Punch 1f Calcium 20 Rare Candy 21 X Accuracy 22 Leaf Stone 23 Metal Powder 24 Nugget 25 Poke Doll 26 Full 
Heal 27 Revive 28 Max Revive 29 Gaurd Spec 2a Super Repel 2b Max Repel 2c Dire Hit 2e Fresh Water 2f Soda Pop 30 Lemonade 31 X Attack 33 X Defend 34 X Speed 35 X Special 36 Coin Case 37 Item Finder 39 Exp Share 3a Old Rod 3b Good Rod 3c Silver Leaf 3d Super Rod 3e PP Up 3f Ether 40 Max Ether 41 Elixer 42 Red Scale 43 Secret Potion 44 SS Ticket 45 Mystery Egg 47 Silver Wing 48 Moo Moo Milk 49 Quick Claw 4a Psncureberry 4b Gold Leaf 4c Soft Sand 4d Sharp Beak 4e Przcureberry 4f Burnt Berry 
50 Ice Berry 51 Poison Barb 52 Kings Rock 53 Bitter Berry 54 Mint Berry 55 Red Apricorn 56 Tiny Mushroom 57 Big Mushroom 58 Silver Powder 59 Big Apricorn 5b Amulet Coin 5c Yellow Apricorn 5d Green Apricorn 5e Cleanse Tag 5f Mystic Water 60 Twisted Spoon 61 White Apricorn 62 Black Belt 63 Black Apricorn 65 Pink Apricorn 66 Black Glasses 67 Slowpoketail 68 Pink 
Bow 69 Stick 6a Smoke Ball 6b Never Melt Ice 6c Magnet 6d Miracle Berry 6e Pearl 6f Big Pearl 70 Everstone 71 Spell Tag 72 Rage Candy Bar 75 Miracle Seed 76 Thick Club 77 Focus Band 79 Energy Power 7a Energy Root 7b Heal Powder 7c Revival Herb 7d Hardstone 7e Lucky Egg 7f Card Key 80 Machine Part 82 Lost Item 83 Stardust 84 Star Piece 85 Basement Key 86 Pass 8a Charcoal 8b Berry Juice 8c Scope Lens 8f Metal Coat 90 Dragon Fang 96 Mystery Berry 97 Dragon Scale 98 Berserk Gene 9c Sacred Ash 9d Heavy Ball 9e Flower Mail 9f Leve Ball a0 Cure Ball a1 Fast Ball a3 Light Ball a4 Friend Ball a5 Moon Ball a6 Love Ball a7 Normal Box a8 Gorgeous Box aa Poladotbox ac Up-Grade ad Berry ae Gold Berry af Squirt Bottle b1 Park Ball b2 Rainbow Wing b4 Brick Peice b5 Surf Mail b6 Lite Blue Mail b7 Portrait Mail b8 Lovely Mail b9 Eon Mail ba Morph Mail bb Bluesky Mail bc Music Mail bd Mirage Mail 

01xxb8d5  01xxbad5  01xxbcd5  01xxbed5  01xxc0d5  01xxc2d5  01xxc4d5  01xxc8d5  01xxcad5  01xxccd5  01xxced5  01xxd0d5

Balls Modifier
Replace XX with: 01 Master Ball 02 Ultra Ball 04 Great Ball 05 Poke Ball 
01xxfdd5  01xxffd5  01xx01d6  01xx03d6  01xx05d6  01xx07d6  01xx09d6  01xx0bd6  01xx0dd6  01xx0fd6  01xx11d6  01xx13d6 

Max Defense, Speed, And Attacks
Pokemon in 1st slot 
01ff50da   01ff51da   01ff52da   01ff53da   01ff55da   01ff56da   01ff57da   01ff58da   01ff59da 

Infinite HP 
In battle only! 

Pokemon Silver - Japanese

Gameshark Codes
(You need ver. 2.1 or higher)

Free Masterballs
Modify Level of Pokemon You Battle 
XX = 01 - FF 
Unlimited Pokeballs 
0163F1D5  0163F3D5  0163F5D5  0163F7D5  0163F9D5  0163FBD5  0163FDD5  0163FFD5  016301D6  016303D6
016305D6  016307D6 

Pokeball Modifiers  -  Replace xx with: 01= Masterball 02= Ultra ball 04= Great ball 05=  
01xxF0D5  01xxF2D5  01xxF4D5  01xxF6D5  01xxF8D5  01xxFAD5  01xxFCD5  01xxFED5  01xx00D6  01xx02D6
01xx04D6  01xx06D6 

HM Modifier Slot 4 
HM Modifier Slot 3
HM Modifier Slot 2 
HM Modifier Slot 1 
HM Modifier Slot 5 
HM Modifier Slot 6 
Infinite TM Slot 1 
Always Fight a Golden Pokemon  -  You cannot run from a Golden Pokemon 
Have All Badges
No Random Battles 
Infinite Money
HM Modifier Slot 7

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