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Sega Dreamcast Tech Romancer Cheats, Codes, Hints, Tips and Walkthroughs
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Tech Romancer FAQ - by Jeff "CJayC" Veasey
Tech Romancer Mini Game Guide - by Clement Chan Zhi Li
Mini games: To get a mini game complete the game with any character, after that go to an area where the secrets are unlocked.

If you complete the game with Dixen two times you will get a second mini game.

3rd mini Game: Complete the game using any characters besides these three (Bolin&Polin, WiseDuck should be two of the three) or complete the game using all the characters. Go back to the techno dome and the 3rd mini game should be available.

Extra options: Beat the game in hero challenge mode with any character and in the end you will receive a certain amount of G You now have to go to Tatsumi's Techno Dome and move to the right You'll see several boxes in yellow. The ones in yellow you can buy, but first you have to withdraw G. You'll have several options such as more characters or hidden movies with the amount of G that you collect.

FAQ v1.5 by Julio A. Quicios ( copyright JAQ 1998

What's New:-
Notation : some new conventions - Features : warning moves - Movelist : some corrections and new moves hero mode effects added time release characters added - Bosses : info on patterns - New section! : curiosities and misc. info

2. Notation and Common Moves:
LEGEND: -> Forward
->> Hold forward
<- Back
<<- Hold back
A Attack button A
B Attack button B
J Jump button
G Guard button
+ Push buttons simultaneously
, Push buttons sequentially
/ Different options (eg. A/B A or B button)
[button] You can delay/extend the move by holding button
(button) Perform additional moves by pressing button
air The move must be done in the air
S The move stuns opponent
U The move is unblockable
W The move is a "warning" move

COMMON MOVES: down Move into foreground
up Move into background
<- <<- Backup
-> ->> Dash
A/B while dashing Dash attack
A (close) Close combat attack
A,A,A (close) 3-4 hit easy combo

2. Features:

DAMAGE GAUGE: The vertical bar in both sides of the screen. It is initially empty. Fill the opponent's Damage Gauge by attacking. When your Damage Gauge is full, you lose the round. A game is two out of three rounds, though the Damage Gauge of the winner is carried over to the next round, so rounds can be really short !! The time counter is not restored to max, either. It is added a small amount of time after every round, so sometimes the loser of the first round must be very offensive to win the second one.

RECOVERABLE LIFE: Most attacks cause two kinds of damage: a clean damage, displayed as a red bar in your damage gauge, and a repairable damage, displayed as a yellow bar in the same gauge.

You can do nothing about the clean damage, but if you manage to stay a few seconds without being attacked, the yellow bar will drop slowly to zero. However, if you get hit again and again to the point your red and yellow bars fill the gauge, your repairable damage will become permanent damage (yellow bar will torn red) losing the round. This may cause the feeling of taking huge damage from the last hit. Don't get confused by this! So, it's a good thing to watch the yellow bar and to take a breathe when things are too hot!

ARMOR: Next to your damage gauge, there's a yellow circle containing a human figure and a percentage. This is your current armor status. Blocking too much will cause this gauge to decrease quickly. When it drops to zero, your armor is destroyed and your mech will fly away because of the impact, being this last thing a possible advantage depending on the situation (you may avoid further damage)

Armor reduces the effect of enemy fire taking less damage from attacks. I'm not sure if some mechs have better armors than others. The game seems to mean that, as in certain characters profile appear things like "strong armor" and "ultra defensive armor". In my experience, heavy mechs armor seems to last longer, but this also may be due to my highly offensive style using these characters.

SPECIAL ATTACK: Your typical super move. You can store up to three units, starting the battle with one in stock. Special attacks do clean damage (no recoverable life)

OBSTACLES: Yes, all these little houses, factories and other constructions are not there only for ornament. They are active part of the game! Depending on the stage, you can find a variable number of obstacles scattered in the surroundings. All the obstacles are destroyable, the little ones by stepping on them and the larger ones by firing a few shots. Move behind a large obstacle for a short cover.

ITEMS: Move across the stage and step on the various obstacles. Some of them release items of different kinds when destroyed. Large obstacles release more powerful items. Also, hitting hard your opponents usually cause them to drop some of their items, all of which you can recover.

You collect an item simply by walking over it, being possible to store up to five units. Your items are shown on top of the damage gauge.

To change the selected item, press START. To activate the selected item, press A+B+J

There are 3 types of items:-

RECOVERING TYPE: usually released by large obstacles. So far, I have identified * Armor recover : restores your armor gauge to 100% * Life recover : you regain some life, or to be exact, your damage gauge decreases a certain quantity. * Special charge: adds one level to your Special gauge.

ABILITY TYPE: they give your character special powers, such as * Offense up : increase the damage of your attacks * Defense up : you take less damage from enemy attacks * Speed up : you move and perform attacks faster * Hero mode : weapon systems enhanced

WEAPON TYPE: this will give you a weapon specific to your character (it varies from one mech to other). Every character has his own inventory of 3 different weapon items.

When a mech drops a weapon item and it is recovered by the facing mech, the weapon is reconverted to this last's inventory. Ability items are unaffected.

Once you have activated an item, a short bar is displayed over your item inventory. This is a time meter. When the bar drops to zero, the item has been consumed and you can no longer use it, unless you activate another one!

WARNING MOVES: During the execution of certain moves, a "warning" message appears pointing to your character. These moves are exceptionally slow, yet forceful enough to cause a blocking opponent to stagger momentarily even when blocking. A quick attack launched during the stagger will connect successfully. You will find these moves labeled with a 'W' in the movelist.

POWER BREAKER: This move will crush your opponent's guard, leaving him vulnerable for a short time. Great for turtlers. When near opponent, press simultaneously A+B+G.

GRAPPLE ATTACK: A feature already used in other games, such as Soul Edge and Samurai Showdown, but unusual in a Capcom game. Basically, is the same concept: When two attacks collide, the Grapple Attack begins. Both mechs push against each other trying to win the assault. Mash those buttons! The loser gets stunned, though it's possible the draw. In that case, both mechs are pushed back.

COUNTERSTRIKE: A very useful move if you know how to play with it, since it allows you to avoid enemy fire and at the same time to attack an opponent in vulnerable position. Every mech has two counterstrikes, activated by pressing either G+A or G+B.

Your character will sidestep/round the enemy, performing the attack corresponding to each variant.

STEEL DASH: An easy but risky way to close the distance and strike by surprise!

Hold G button, then ->-

Your character will dash forward enveloped in an energy aura. Enemy fire cannot stop you, but you still take damage.

FINAL ATTACK: The Ultimate Destruction Attack !! You can't escape !! When "FINAL ATTACK" appears on the screen press simultaneously A+B+J+G. If it connects, it takes the entire Damage Gauge and the round. Only once per match ! (Blockable).
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